A History of Hate (And What We Can Do About It)

On December 24, 1865 the Ku Klux Klan was founded in Tennessee as an extremist, hateful reaction to what many in the news now willingly and ignorantly report as “economic anxiety.” This was a period of southern reconstruction following the…

The Progressive Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse

The Incomplete Yet Ultimate Guide To Surviving This Political Shit Storm! In no way is this list exhaustive. It is a beginner’s introduction to what you can expect as the world comes to a screaming halt one Cheetos not-president at…

Let’s Talk About #DressLikeAWoman

There are many, many things that can impact the way a woman does her job. Her education level, her ability to multi-task and adapt, her life experiences and the moments she has enabled herself, her intelligence level , the insults…