Alen Hadzic Participating in the Tokyo Olympics, Despite Sexual Assault Allegations, is a Garbage Move

Alen Hadzic participating in the Tokyo Olympics, despite sexual assault allegations, is a garbage move and that’s the tea.

Michael Che and That Joke About Simone Biles Makes Him a Garbage Person

SNL’s Michael Che went ahead and shared a joke about Simone Biles and her POS abuser and we’re not here for that garbage.

Fuck You, Victim Blaming & the Feminists Who Push It

Nothing lights a fire under my ass to rage blog/write like a self proclaimed feminist telling women that they should be more careful and aware of their surrounding to avoid sexual assault. I’m talking about Pamela Anderson. During a BBC…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 41: Harvey Weinstein & Sexual Assault in Hollywood

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have  Stop and Fangirl!  So you can feel  happy –…

Stop Fucking Blaming Women for Being Assaulted, Mother Fuckers

When I was 18, I was pretty naive. I trusted, as most teenagers do. So when a coworker asked for help one day, near the closing time of the store, I had no hesitation saying yes, though I didn’t know…

Rape is Not Your Plaything – How TV Contributes to Rape Culture

Let’s talk about consent. More to the point, let’s talk about consent and rape as it is portrayed in media. Rape has come into the spotlight several times in big ways this past year – mainly in the awful stories…