‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ OTP Series: Missed Opportunities in “Zoey’s Extraordinary Neighbor”

When it comes to OTP moments between our favorite characters and ships, let’s be honest. We shippers can never get enough. So as we go through our weekly rewatch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (not for the first time), Fangirlish author…

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Roundtable – “Zoey’s Extraordinary Best Friend”

Our love for Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is never ending. Sadly lacking word of a renewal and with no anticipated new content on television, we at Fangirlish decided to do a series rewatch as though viewing each episode for the first time. Because…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ Re-watch Roundtable: “Pilot”

We love Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist around here. A whole lot. And, well, we are in the middle of a quarantine, with very few new content coming till 2021. So, yes, we are doing a re-watch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, and…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ OTP Series: Missed Opportunities in the Pilot

When it comes to OTP moments between our favorite characters and ships, let’s be honest. We shippers can never get enough. So as we go through our weekly rewatch of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (not for the first time), Fangirlish author…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ OTP Series and Clarkeman Endgame

Benjamin Franklin once said, “[I]n this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” but that is only because television OTPs hadn’t been invented yet. It’s a rare OTP that’s so damn good, they warrant the…

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Roundtable: Why NBC Should Renew ZEP

Every once in a while, a television show will come along at just the right time, uplifting fans with the perfect combination of humor and heart when we need it the most. Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is that show, and we…

Kapil Talwalkar Talks Tobin and ‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist airs its final episode tomorrow, but for Kapil Talwalkar, who plays wannabe bro Tobin, that’s only the beginning. Or at least, we hope it is. Fangirlish had a chance to talk to Kapil, and the first thing…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×11 Review: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Mother”

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist 1×11 “Zoey’s Extraordinary Mother” is the kind of episode that hits you deep, the kind that’s meant to make you acutely aware of time, and what it means to let that time pass you by. In a…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×10 Review: Zoey’s Extraordinary Outburst

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist 1×10 “Zoeys Extraordinary Outburst” is a hard, uncomfortable episode to watch, something very much removed from the usual lightness and heart that this show brings. And yet, as much as I didn’t really enjoy this episode as…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×09 Review: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Silence”

When I first saw the promo materials for Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist 1×09 “Zoey’s Extraordinary Silence,” I thought to myself, well, here it is. Here’s the typical filler episode. And I wasn’t even really upset about it, because we’ve had a…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×08 Review: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Glitch”

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist 1×08 “Zoey’s Extraordinary Glitch” is the best this show has been, by far, with an emotional and relatable Zoey, a Max that has become the love interest we all dreamed he could be, a Simon that, so…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×07 Review: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Confession”

You know the difference between watching a show because it’s somewhat entertaining and then writing some words about it, even though you’re not exactly brimming with words and absolutely loving something, being eager to watch the next episode and having…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×06 Review: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Night Out”

Something strange happened as I watched Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist 1×06 “Zoey’s Extraordinary Night Out.” I found myself not just vaguely enjoying it, but actually investing. Not just in Simon’s very relatable pain, but in Mo’s brand of friendship, in Zoey’s…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×05 Review: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Failure”

For a moment or two there, during Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist 1×05 “Zoey’s Extraordinary Failure,” I really, really felt this show. The whole notion of failure, and how we must all deal with it is a very interesting subject that hits…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×04 Review: “Zoey’s Extraordinary Neighbor”

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist turned a corner last week, after the first two episodes failed to consistently deliver the emotional punch I required. In “Zoey’s Extraordinary Neighbor” the show once again leans on its strongest characters to deliver an episode that…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×02 Review: This Power is Wasted on You

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist returns with “Zoey’s Extraordinary Best Friend,” an episode intended to help Zoey come to terms with her new, ahem, powers …as well as try to establish the dynamics we’re going to come to rely on during the…

‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 1×01 Review: The Music in You

There’s something about Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist I can’t quite explain. It’s not extraordinary, at least, not as much as it’s trying to be. It holds its cards a little too close to the vest at first, and there’s at least…

‘My Adventures With Superman’ Plot, Cast Everything We Know

Here’s everything we know about Adult Swim’s My Adventures With Superman, from the cast, plot and when you can watch.

Warren Christie, Amy Acker & Emily Fox Talk ‘The Watchful Eye’

The Watchful Eye sets our wig on Mars! We sat down with Warren Christie, Amy Acker, and Emily Fox to talk about the ins and outs.

The Unfortunate Pattern Of TV Shows Lying To Fans

Show runner Dick Wolf is in hot water this week with fans of Law & Order: SVU on Twitter. Digging into the complaints, the current outcry isn’t really a surprise. Take a ship that’s been working on a slow burn…

Hulu Releases Photos For The Upcoming Musical Comedy ‘Up Here’

Well, well another musical TV show. Do we become invested? Inquiring minds want to know.