Fangirlish End Of Year Lists: 20 Books We’re Looking Forward to in 2020

So many books, so little time. Lately it feels like it’s all we can do to keep up with stacking books in our TBR pile. But with 2020 right around the corner, we had to take a second to think…

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Where’d You Go, Bernadette?’ Clip

Have you watched Where’d You Go, Bernadette? We’re big fans of Cate Blanchett here at Fangirlish, and so, of course, we’re big fans of this movie. But hey, maybe you haven’t watched it. Maybe you haven’t had time. We all…

'The Flash' 4×05: “Girls Night Out” Roundtable

We’re back with another The Flash roundtable! And what perfect timing with an episode that addressed female friendships and showed us that, yes, there’s some progress being made on that front. But we do have a long way to go.Our…

‘The Flash’ 4×05: “Girls Night Out” Roundtable

We’re back with another The Flash roundtable! And what perfect timing with an episode that addressed female friendships and showed us that, yes, there’s some progress being made on that front. But we do have a long way to go.…

5 Reasons You Should Tell Your Self-doubt to Fuck Off

It is a universally acknowledged truth that self-doubt is an unwanted and unexpected intruder in our daily lives. It wraps itself around us like cling wrap from hell, sucking away our confidence in our own abilities, the love of others,…

'Arrow' 4×21 Review: 'Monument Point' [Gone Nuclear]

When it comes to Arrow at its best I always point to the final three episodes of season two. What was basically a three-hour season finale set over the course of a day brought an insane amount of action, emotion,…