‘The Diplomat’ 1×03: ‘Lambs In The Dark’

Shit is chaotic when the President comes to visit the Wyler’s in London, but the best part of this episode is definitely the Wylers

‘The Diplomat’ 1×02 Review: ‘Don’t Call It A Kidnapping’

Don’t Call It A Kidnapping is the title of this second episode of The Diplomat, but I can’t agree with Hal about it being a pull aside. They literally drugged him and tied his hands. This is a kidnapping. That’s DEFINITELY…

‘The Diplomat’ 1×01 Review: “The Cinderella Thing”

The greatest thing about The Diplomat is that it’s completely aware of itself and doesn’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks. It’s going to be honest, it’s going to have situations that you are like WTF, and it’s also…

The Trailer For ‘The Diplomat’ Is Here & It’s Really Good

When we saw the first image for The Diplomat, we were intrigued. Now that we’ve seen the trailer, mixed with our love for spy television show, and our want for a political thriller with a woman in charge, we can’t…