
Chicago P.D. 11×13 Review: “More”

Comments (3)
  1. Rich says:

    I agree with a lot of what you have said here. This finale actually made me more ticked off about Season 10 and this season. In my opinion, neither of these seasons was very good. I agree with you that they did not do a good job creating this father-daughter relationship as they thought that they did. Had they invested the time in doing this it could have made these seasons much better. It could have moved Voight’s character forward in a more meaningful way. While I was not afraid of Voight dying, I was concerned when Hailey was shot. It wouldn’t be the first time a character left One Chicago in a hearse. Al’s ghost was a nice surprise.

    I also hated how we got to the final scene with Matson. He plants 3 cell phones and Hailey is going to choose the right one??? Leaves a lot to chance for Matson, could have just as easily been Adam and Kim that found him. Also, I know Hailey and Petrovick split up, but from the time Hailey radioed her that she found the car, there was enough time for Hailey to confront Matson, give into him, let him put the zip ties on her, put her into the trunk and drive off without Petrovic getting there???? Make that make sense. Also did Chapman really call Voight baby or did I imagine that?

    I also did not like this open ended ending. Gwen Sigan stated that “I wanted this idea that the world is hers now, and that she’s finally in a headspace where she can see that there’s a lot out there and there’s a lot you can choose,” the Chicago P.D. boss explains. “Leaving it that open-ended gave that feeling of possibility.” What is this choose your own adventure? I guess if we want, we can tell ourselves that she took a job with the DEA and that a year from now she ends up down in Bolivia on a joint operation with the military where she reconnects with Jay.

  2. Cindys says:

    I agree this was forced. In many ways her relationship with Voight was toxic and unhealthy- to glamorize that was offensive frankly.

    What she had with Jay was insanely powerful. They sort of went against the show’s “bible” by making him break her heart the way he did. That wasnt the Jay Halstead we had for ten years and Hailey and Voight is what tore them apart in the first place.

    Its almost like glamorizng an emotionally abusive relationship. Just so odd not to give the fans a glimmer of hope to feel satiated.

  3. amyabn says:

    This is a horrible exit for Hailey, second only to how GS wrote Jay out. You spend all that time with flashbacks on how Hank dragged Hailey down, ruined her relationship with Jay, etc, and then they have familial feelings for each other? Imo, Hailey was much closer to Platt than she ever was to Voight. GS seems to think that Hailey choosing to choose to be happy by working on her relationship with Jay is terrible. Apparently burying oneself in a new job is the tonic that Hailey needs rather than actually working through things. At least Kim went to therapy.

    They should have done a time jump and let Hailey say goodbye to the TEAM, then gone out to a waiting taxi with Jay. They can make whatever changes they need to be happy.

    GS clearly hates the fans. All we wanted was to rehabilitate Jay’s character assassination and give them a happy ending. Instead Gwen re-writes history/canon and sends her off in a taxi. I seriously doubt I’ll be watching next season. The show started downhill after Jesse left, and will continue to suck without Tracy. The single character focus isn’t working either, and I’m shocked at how low the finale ratings were. Since GW took over as show runner, they have lost almost a million viewers. SMH.

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