
Chicago Fire 12×13 Review: “Never Say Goodbye”

Comments (2)
  1. Kristin says:

    The Stellaride stuff love that it was a discussion brought up by Severide shows how much he has grown in the past 12 seasons. I like Damons character and not surprised he’s Bennys kid. I can live with these cliffhanger and glad it wasn’t too bad. Boden stuff was emotional. I know he will be back just not full time but, still it was hard to say goodbye. He is the father figure the glue of that firehouse. He will be missed in every episode he is not in. Excited though for next season and these storylines to Continue and to see what will happen and develop from the finale.

  2. Rich says:

    I agree with a lot of what you said here. I am glad that they are making Herman Captain. Had they made Stella or Kelly Captain, it would have added drama to their relationship. While Kelly has outranked her, she was outside of his chain of command. Since Kelly had outranked her, having the tables turned could have caused drama. This way, while there may be friction with Herman and Severide as there was with Severide and Casey when Casey became Captain, at least it won’t be Stelleride drama.

    Revealing Damon as Severide’s half brother was a good curveball. There are aspects of this I don’t like though. Can’t we just let Benny rest in peace? Yes, we all know Benny cheated on his wives/girlfriends and he was an absentee father. Last we saw him though, he had Kelly’s back and Boden’s for that matter. Kelly said at his funeral “he had your back even if you didn’t know it.” Now, that is going to be thrown away? Benny was an abusive father all of the sudden??? It has been 5 seasons since Benny died on the show and they have continued to use him as a plot vehicle for Kelly. I think it is long past time for this to come to an end. Assuming Daman isn’t lying, we are going to have a lot more Benny conversations. I have little doubt that this will impact Stelleride’s decision as to when (or if) they should start a family.

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