#WayBackWednesday – The Fast and the Furious (2001)

I’ll admit it; I have always been a bit reluctant to watch The Fast and the Furious and its seemingly infinite number of sequels. Fast cars, drag racing, shootouts? Not really how I want to spend my summer vacation. I…

#WayBackWednesday – The Craft (1996)

The Craft is a movie that totally freaked me out as a kid. I watched The Craft for the first time at a friend’s house during a sleepover. It scared me so badly that we didn’t finish it. What can…

#WayBackWednesday – The Sandlot (1993)

The Sandlot is Fangirlish staff writer, Julie’s pick for her favorite summer movie. I’m so glad she picked The Sandlot because it’s one of my all-time favorite summer movies as well. Did you grow up watching The Sandlot every summer?…

#WayBackWednesday – Now and Then (1995)

For the inaugural edition of our Summer Vacation series, I’ll be reviewing staff writer Gillian’s favorite summer flick–Now and Then. Did you catch Now and Then when it premiered back in 1995? Check out the trailer and then read why…