'Arrow' 5×23 Roundtable: 'Lian Yu'

While Arrow has been a disappointment for the majority of season 5, these last several episodes of the season has shown us that Arrow is still capable of solid storytelling and beautiful character exploration. After five seasons telling how Oliver…

'Arrow' 5×23 Review: 'Lian Yu'

Let’s take a look at this week’s DCTV season finale recap: Supergirl, breaks Kara’s heart (and ours) by sending Mon-El away. The Flash, sends Barry away. Arrow, leaves the fates of the entire core cast minus Oliver Queen up in…

'Arrow' 5×22 Review: 'Missing'

After watching Arrow’s penultimate episode, I feel like I’ve been through a war. An emotional assault that felt so intense yet so good. There was a point where I had to remind myself to breathe because it was so intense.…

'Arrow' 5×20 Roundtable: 'Underneath'

There wasn’t an episode of Arrow more anticipated this season than “Underneath,” which focused on matters of trust between Olicity and Dyla. It was an episode that was incredibly hyped. And it was an episode that did not disappoint. Our…

'Arrow' 5×20 Review: 'Underneath'

Arrow can be smart. Don’t let them fool you otherwise. While Arrow has acted the opposite of smart for the majority of its fifth season, it’s shown that it is capable of delivering on the aspects that work. This season…

‘Arrow’ 5×19 Review: ‘Dangerous Liaisons’

When you’ve been missing something for so long and it finally comes back to you, you experience it as this vast, emotional tidal wave that is as welcoming as it is shocking. You didn’t necessarily expect to find it. But…

Things Get 'Intense' With Oliver & Felicity in Arrow 5×20 Synopsis

This is the episode Olicity fans have been waiting for. And we finally have a synopsis. Only, this isn’t telling us what we don’t already know. In the newly released synopsis for Arrow‘s 20th episode of season 5, titled “Underneath,”…

Arrow 5×18 Roundtable: 'Disbanded'

The most recent episode of Arrow was quite satisfying as it delivered an episode that reminded us of the Arrow we’ve been missing in “Disbanded.” Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora, Sarah, and Charles are breaking down the latest episode…

Arrow 5×16 Roundtable: 'Checkmate'

Arrow might’ve just begun its path to redemption in “Checkmate,” where Prometheus emerged as a worthy adversary for Oliver, where Felicity got deeper with Helix, and where Oliver was abducted by his foes. Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora, and…

Arrow 5×15 Roundtable: ‘Fighting Fire With Fire’

Arrow continues to disappoint in its fifth season with the latest installment coming in “Fighting Fire With Fire,” where we learned Prometheus’ (not-shocking) identity, Thea was sent away, and Oliver became even more annoying than he ever has been. Our…

Arrow 5×13 Roundtable: 'Spectre of the Gun'

Arrow took on the controversial issue of gun violence in its episode titled “Spectre of the Gun,” which found a show that has promoted violence over the past five seasons suddenly preaching gun awareness. Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora,…

Arrow 5×12 Roundtable: 'Bratva'

Arrow returned to Russia in its episode titled “Bratva,” which reminded us that Original Team Arrow is the heart of Arrow and played with our emotions as we ponder whether Arrow can truly redeem itself this season. Our Fangirlish writers…

‘Arrow’: 37 Moments That Remind Us Why Olicity is Endgame

There’s no better holiday for fans of a ship than Valentine’s Day, which is basically a celebration of love. And there are so many beautiful love stories to celebrate. But my personal favorite has and will always be Arrow’s Oliver…

Arrow 5×12 Review: 'Bratva'

I’ve grown accustomed to the core elements of Arrow – which have brought it to its current fifth season – being pushed to the side in favor of this “new look Arrow.” I’ve grown accustomed to tuning into Arrow only…

Arrow 5×11 Roundtable: 'Second Chances'

Arrow set its sights on its new Black Canary in its episode titled “Second Chances,” which reminded us that everyone is capable of redemption and starting over with Team Arrow. Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora, and Sarah are…

Arrow 5×10 Roundtable: 'Who Are You?'

After a month hiatus that left fans grappling with the implications of Arrow‘s mid-season finale, Arrow returned with a winter premiere that showed progress and felt promising. We finally got some closure on Laurel’s “return,” which wasn’t even a return…

Arrow 5×10 Review: 'Who Are You?'

There was a defining moment in Arrow’s mid-season premiere where Felicity was having a conversation with Black Siren about how Oliver was trying to save her. Because he couldn’t save their Laurel. How this was his chance for redemption. And…

Arrow: How Olicity Has Defied Comic Canon

When it comes to comic book adaptations on the small screen, there’s a level of freedom that’s granted the writers and producers of the series to take the classic hero and their story in a fresh direction. This direction isn’t…

Arrow 5×07 Roundtable: The Season So Far

This season of Arrow has been a whirlwind to say the least. A whirlwind as in a horrific storm that has terrorized our television experience or a terrible alien-induced nightmare that reigns supreme. Kind of like what awaits Oliver Queen…

Arrow 5×06 Roundtable: 'So It Begins'

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In Arrow‘s sixth episode of season 5, Prometheus finally made his presence known…

Arrow Isn't Arrow: Our Writers Weigh In

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. Following Arrow‘s fifth episode, “Human Target,” our writers had a lot to…