Game of Thrones 6×08 Roundtable “No One”

We’re getting close to the end, people. And we’re both scared and excited. Though mostly scared. Vaguely nauseous even. Because Game of Thrones is known for going all out in the last two episodes, and there’s been plenty of happiness…

Game of Thrones 6×07 Roundtable “The Broken Man”

Well, that was sort of …anticlimactic? And slow. Two words that can’t usually be applied to Game of Thrones. But the end of the season is coming, so we’re pretty sure this is a one-off. From now on, Game of…

Game of Thrones 6×06 Roundtable “Blood of My Blood”

Sing me a song of a ….wait, wrong show. Blame Tobias Menzies for the mix-up, as he will always, always, be Black Jack Randall to us. Nothing more. (Not even Frank) Game of Thrones, however, has much more in store…

Game of Thrones 6×05 Review: [Hold] 'The Door'

Remember last week when I said Game of Thrones makes me happy, well I take that back as I bawled through this week’s episode ‘The Door’ as I’m still busy mopping up my tears. This episode moved even further than…

‘Game of Thrones’ 6×01 “The Red Woman” Roundtable

Game of Thrones returned last week, with an episode that provided more questions than answers. Is Jon Snow coming back? What does this season have in store for Daenerys? What exactly is going on in Dorne? Who’s first on Cersei’s…

‘Game of Thrones’ Speculation Roundtable

Game of Thrones is back tomorrow! Can you believe that? I can’t. It feels like yesterday that Jon Snow was bleeding to death and we were screaming at the television to NOT LET IT END LIKE THAT! And now, here we…

3 Life Lessons We Learned from the ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Trailer

The X-Men: Apocalypse trailer has arrived just in time to shake things up for the X-Men. Why not talk about the life lessons we learned from it.