‘Arrow’ 5×19 Review: ‘Dangerous Liaisons’

When you’ve been missing something for so long and it finally comes back to you, you experience it as this vast, emotional tidal wave that is as welcoming as it is shocking. You didn’t necessarily expect to find it. But…

Arrow Promotes Rick Gonzalez & Juliana Harkavy to Series Regulars for Season 6

Arrow introduced several new characters this season, and we’ll be seeing a lot more of two of the newbies come season 6. Rick Gonzalez (Rene Ramirez aka Wild Dog) and Juliana Harkavy (Dinah Drake aka the new Black Canary) have…

Things Get 'Intense' With Oliver & Felicity in Arrow 5×20 Synopsis

This is the episode Olicity fans have been waiting for. And we finally have a synopsis. Only, this isn’t telling us what we don’t already know. In the newly released synopsis for Arrow‘s 20th episode of season 5, titled “Underneath,”…

Arrow 5×18 Roundtable: 'Disbanded'

The most recent episode of Arrow was quite satisfying as it delivered an episode that reminded us of the Arrow we’ve been missing in “Disbanded.” Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora, Sarah, and Charles are breaking down the latest episode…

Manu Bennett Returning for Arrow Season 5 Finale

As Oliver Queen’s final showdown against Prometheus approaches, he’ll be forced to team up with unexpected faces that he considers foes. “The alliances are going to be very surprising,” executive producer Wendy Mericle told EW.com. “You’re not going to believe…

Arrow: Olicity-Centric Episode to Examine State of Their Relationship

Following Oliver and Felicity’s breakup last season, Arrow has failed to explain or explore the reason behind that infamous breakup or the state of their relationship at any point in season 5. Well, it only took 28 episodes, but it…

Arrow 5×18 Review: 'Disbanded'

I’m not going to sugarcoat it. Arrow hasn’t been great this season. It hasn’t even been good. For the longest time it felt like it was a lost puppy trying to find its way home. And it finally has. Following…

Arrow 5×17 Roundtable: ‘Kapiushon’

Last Wednesday’s Arrow might’ve been heavy on the past with a slew of flashbacks, but it was all about the present and the future in “Kapiushon.” Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora, and Sarah are breaking down this week’s Arrow, which has…

Katie Cassidy Returning to Arrow as Series Regular in Season 6

Katie Cassidy is returning to Arrow. Only not as Laurel Lance. Well, not Laurel Lance of Earth-1. Cassidy will be returning to Arrow as the villainous Black Siren in the final two episodes of this season before continuing on in…

Arrow 5×17 Review: ‘Kapiushon’

It feels damn good to say it, for the first time in a long time – Arrow was good. Like really good. Like impressive. Like I’m going to re-watch this episode to dissect even more than I’m about to do.…

Arrow 5×16 Roundtable: 'Checkmate'

Arrow might’ve just begun its path to redemption in “Checkmate,” where Prometheus emerged as a worthy adversary for Oliver, where Felicity got deeper with Helix, and where Oliver was abducted by his foes. Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora, and…

Arrow: Oliver Has a Secret That Will Be Revealed in 'Kapiushon'

This Wednesday’s Arrow (“Kapiushon”) continues to intrigue as we get more teases about what sounds like will be a pivotal episode this season. With Oliver Queen being held by Adrian Chase/Prometheus and Talia al Ghul following the events of the…

Arrow: Expect Oliver & Felicity to Clash in Handling Prometheus

When Stephen Amell teased that we could expect some “really, really cool stuff” with Oliver and Felicity coming up on Arrow, he wasn’t lying. TV Insider delved a little deeper into that nugget with an intriguing tease of their own…

Arrow 5×16 Review: 'Checkmate'

Perhaps the most difficult thing that anyone can do in life is admitting that they’re wrong. Even when they know they’re wrong; even when they know that people know they’re wrong. It might sound like the simplest thing in the…

Arrow 5×15 Roundtable: ‘Fighting Fire With Fire’

Arrow continues to disappoint in its fifth season with the latest installment coming in “Fighting Fire With Fire,” where we learned Prometheus’ (not-shocking) identity, Thea was sent away, and Oliver became even more annoying than he ever has been. Our…

Arrow 5×15 Review: 'Fighting Fire With Fire'

As a prelude to my latest Arrow review, I shall warn thee that this review will be a roasting. In an episode aptly titled, “Fighting Fire With Fire,” there was an overarching theme about what happens when you play with…

Arrow 5×14 Roundtable: ‘The Sin-Eater’

Arrow continued its disappointing fifth season with an episode that was beyond hypocritical regarding moral ethics in “The Sin-Eater.” Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora, and Sarah are breaking down this week’s Arrow, which has us venting about the lack of logic…

Arrow 5×14 Review: 'The Sin-Eater'

Well, that was surprisingly not terrible. Especially given what it looked like Arrow was setting up. But that doesn’t mean it was good either. When a show that has generally been known for its smarts – at least in the…

Arrow 5×13 Roundtable: 'Spectre of the Gun'

Arrow took on the controversial issue of gun violence in its episode titled “Spectre of the Gun,” which found a show that has promoted violence over the past five seasons suddenly preaching gun awareness. Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora,…

Arrow 5×13 Review: 'Spectre of the Gun'

Gun violence is by and far one of the most important issues and pressing concerns around the world. It’s definitely an issue that needs to be addressed whenever possible and wherever it makes sense. It’s definitely a discussion that needs…

Arrow 5×12 Roundtable: 'Bratva'

Arrow returned to Russia in its episode titled “Bratva,” which reminded us that Original Team Arrow is the heart of Arrow and played with our emotions as we ponder whether Arrow can truly redeem itself this season. Our Fangirlish writers…