Arrow 5×02 Roundtable: Discussing 'The Recruits'

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In Arrow’s second episode of season 5, Oliver welcomed three new recruits…

Arrow 5×02 Review: Oliver Can't Do This Alone

When it comes to Oliver Queen we all know that he’s not one who’s actively in touch with his emotions. He’ll do anything and everything to obscure them when he feels like they’re compromising him. And he can’t help it,…

Arrow 5×01 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Legacy’

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora, and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In the season five premiere of Arrow, the series went back to…

Arrow 5×01 Review: Moving Forward

Heading into its season five premiere, Arrow has been touted as going “back to basics” in terms of tone. That was certainly evident in “Legacy,” which included direct callbacks to the pilot (including Oliver being tied up, casually untying himself,…

Arrow: 6 Reasons Why Olicity Will Reunite in Season 5

One of the most-talked about elements of Arrow is the relationship between Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. And rightfully so. The electric chemistry between Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards lights up the screen week-in and week-out, and there’s such…

Our Five Wishes for Arrow Season 5

With Arrow’s fifth season on the horizon our minds have shifted to obsessing and counting down the days until our favorite masked vigilante turned hero finds his way back to our television screens. Following Arrow’s intriguing fourth season finale, the…

Arrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Paul Blackthorne

Quentin Lance has never been a character that has experienced great happiness during his time on Arrow. But last season was by far one of the most emotional, difficult seasons he’s faced yet as he had to deal with the…

Arrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Echo Kellum

With Team Arrow down to just Oliver and Felicity when season five begins, this season on Arrow we’re going to see Felicity wanting to create a new team with Diggle and Thea out of commission. One of those new members…

Arrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Willa Holland

Following Arrow’s fourth season, Thea Queen decided to take a break from Team Arrow following an emotional season filled with tragedy, blood lust, and questionable decisions. So when season five picks up we’ll see a different Thea Queen as she…

Arrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Executive Producer Wendy Mericle

When it comes to Arrow, the show has been at its best when it has focused on the dark, grounded reality of this superhero world. But given its success and the several spinoffs it’s generated, it had to become something…

Arrow SDCC 2016 Interview: David Ramsey

When it comes to Arrow’s voice of reason over the past four seasons that has undeniably been one John Diggle. But following the traumatic events involving Diggle and his brother Andy, where John killed his brother after feeling threatened for…

Arrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Emily Bett Rickards

Following the season four finale, Oliver and Felicity were the lone remaining members of Team Arrow left behind following what was easily a tumultuous season that tugged at the heartstrings of characters and audience alike. But with Diggle, Thea, and…

Arrow SDCC 2016 Interview: Stephen Amell

When you look at how far superhero shows on television have come in the past few years it all circles back to one show that made it all possible five years ago: Arrow. And the one person that couldn’t be…

5 Things We Learned From the Arrow Panel at SDCC

Following a season where mysticism reigned supreme, Arrow is returning to its gritty, grounded roots in season five. That means more street fighting and focus on the non-superpowered element of this universe where the big bad will serve to drive…

Green Arrow, Flash & Supergirl to Appear on Conan at SDCC

Things are about to get super, as in DC super when the lead stars of Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl head to an upcoming taping of Conan at Comic-Con this week. Stephen Amell (Green Arrow), Grant Gustin (The Flash), and…

Arrow: Olicity Was Built on the Solid Foundation of Friendship

As we’re thick into this hell known as summer hiatus there’s a certain point a fandom comes to when it’s had enough of the quiet and wants all the spoilers. The Arrow fandom has reached that point. Well, I know…

Arrow: 6 Things We Know About Season 5

With Arrow beginning filming on its fifth season, the anticipation is at a high — especially with San Diego Comic-Con on the horizon. Our minds are racing with possibilities and questions about what lies in store for the show’s fifth…

Arrow Interview: Katie Cassidy Talks Laurel Lance’s Journey, Hope for More Black Siren

When it comes to playing a superhero on television there really is no better job. For Katie Cassidy, it was literally a dream come true to get to portray the iconic Black Canary on Arrow for four seasons. While Laurel…

Felicity Smoak Has Redefined What It Means to Be a Hero on 'Arrow'

Perhaps the most important thing you should know about heroes is that they’re not defined merely by their physical superiority or whether they have a costume. Heroes are defined by their actions, their sacrifices, their dedication to protecting those that…

Arrow: 5 Questions We Want Answered at SDCC

As the countdown to San Diego Comic-Con reaches the one-month mark, we can practically feel the fall television season get closer within our reach. Which means that Arrow’s fifth season is upon us promising a return to the gritty, grounded…

Just Let Arrow Be Arrow

When it comes to the superhero renaissance on television today, one show that arrived on The CW back in 2012 essentially made all of this possible: Arrow. From the start Arrow enraptured me with its combination of grounded reality and…