How Olicity Has Saved ‘Arrow’

When fans were first introduced to Oliver Queen in the Arrow pilot, we met a shell of a man who struggled with an overwhelming darkness that he seemed destined to make his home in. This hero that we were supposed…

‘Arrow’: Red Herrings

Please note, this article has spoilers for Arrow the episode “Eleven-fifty-nine.” Read at your own risk. While everyone is talking about the death – you know the one – I wanted to take a moment to talk about my third…

‘Arrow’ 4×18 Review: ‘Eleven-Fifty-Nine’ (aka an Honorable Goodbye)

When it comes to Arrow there are moments that are significant. And then there are moments that are game changing. “Eleven-Fifty-Nine” was that episode for Arrow as it closed the book on one major hero and set its sights on…

‘Arrow’ 4×17 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Beacon of Hope’

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×17 of…

‘Arrow’ 4×17 Review: ‘Beacon of Hope’ (And the Return of the Bee-Yotch)

When it comes to being a hero it’s far from easy. If it were easy everyone would be doing it. But it takes a special kind of person – special kind of people to embrace that life and put others’…

‘Arrow’ 4×16 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Broken Hearts’

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×16 of…

'Arrow' 4×16 Review: 'Broken Hearts'

When it comes to inflicting emotional pain on its audience, no one manages to do that quite as well as the Arrow writers who took their episode title at its literal terms. So on behalf of the Olicity fandom, Arrow…

What’re You Reading: Felicity Smoak from ‘Arrow’

Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides, recaps…

Grant Gustin Wants ‘Flash’/’Arrow’/’Legends Of Tomorrow’/’Supergirl’ to Cross Over

When it comes to superhero shows there’s nothing that’s more comic book than when these shows cross over with each other. We’ve seen it multiple times between Arrow and The Flash — in fact it’s become an annual thing on…

Why Black Canary Can Certainly Die on ‘Arrow’

When it comes to season-long mysteries, no one has done it quite like Arrow this season with a grave mystery that has kept viewers intrigued and involved since the season four premiere back in October. That’s what happens when you…

'Arrow' 4×15 Roundtable: Discussing 'Taken'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×15 of…

'Arrow': Why Oliver and Felicity Taking a Break Needs to Happen

From the start, Oliver and Felicity’s relationship on Arrow is one that has existed on a strong foundation of trust. It’s the hallmark of their relationship, and it’s made them the people and the couple they are at this point…

'Arrow' 4×15 Review: 'Taken' [AKA Everything Hurts]

What is it about the 15th episodes of Arrow each season that leave a sour taste in my mouth? Beginning with season two, I feel like we go into the 15th episode expecting the worst and feeling even worse by…

'Arrow' Stars Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards Praise Genuineness of Olicity

There’s no denying that Arrow thrives off the pairing of Oliver and Felicity and the sensational chemistry between leads Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards. But no matter how much we’d like to turn away and pretend the drama that…

‘Arrow’ 4×14 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Code of Silence’

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×14 of…

Why Felicity Smoak is a True Hero of ‘Arrow’

When it comes to superhero shows on television we’re often presented with a look at either a super-powered or super-skilled hero that rises above all odds and becomes a public figure for his or her city. These shows are named…

'Arrow' 4×14 Recap: 'Code of Silence'

Arrow and I have a love-hate relationship. Most of the time it’s love where the show is clicking on all cylinders, but sometimes — especially in the middle of a season — it’s hate where there’s a storyline that just…

‘Arrow’ 4×13 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Sins of the Father’

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×13 of…

‘Arrow’: 27 Olicity Quotes That Make Us Swoon

With Valentine’s Day forthcoming, we’ve been having some serious Oliver and Felicity feels as we marvel about how lucky we truly are to have this glorious ship in our lives. There have been a lot of iconic lines uttered by…

‘Arrow’ 4×13 Recap: ‘Sins of the Father’

In an episode with a title like “Sins of the Father,” you knew the daddy issues were coming to light as Felicity dealt with her father’s reemergence in her life and as Thea’s life hung in the balance of her…

'Arrow' 4×12 Roundtable: Discussing 'Unchained'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×12 of…