‘Bluff City Law’ 1×03 Review: Prove Everyone Wrong

Bluff City Law’s “25 Years to Life” is the perfect episode to remind us of what this show is about, what the stakes are, and why, despite the fact that we know this is fictional, it’s so hard to separate…

‘Bluff City Law’ 1×02 Review: “You Don’t Need a Weatherman”

Bluff City Law’s “You Don’t Need a Weatherman” proved once more that the heart of this show isn’t the cases that they handle day in and day out. It’s the people, the family that many of them are and soon…

‘Bluff City Law’ 1×01 Review: The Moral Arc of the Universe

It’s hard to put into words what makes a good Pilot, or why Bluff City Law manages it, because the truth is that there aren’t any fixed rules. You don’t have to absolutely do this, or absolutely do this other…

Five Reasons Why You Should Watch ‘Bluff City Law’

Almost every season, without fault, there’s a show that just …gets to you. One that touches something inside you, one that speaks to a part of your soul. One that makes you say, yes, this is my new obsession. For…