‘The Serpent Queen’ 1×07 Review: “An Attack On The King”

Queen Mary and Queen Catherine have something in common – they both put themselves before anyone else.

‘The Serpent Queen’ 1×06: “The Last Joust”

Well, I wanted to believe that Catherine has grown and changed. I was wrong. I was so wrong. She’s always been about herself. She’s thrown others under the bus to get where she wants to be. This episode both pissed…

‘The Serpent Queen’ 1×05 Review: “The First Regency”

One thing that we’ve been reminded of (not that we forgot) is that Henri is an idiot. Like for real… an idiot. #TheSerpentQueen

Fangirlish Talks To ‘Serpent Queen’ Star Liv Hill

Actress Liv Hill became one of our favorites after seeing her in #TheSerpentQueen. We sat down with her to discuss the show.

‘The Serpent Queen’ 1×01: “Medici Bitch”

It’s Medici’s world, and we’re just lucky enough to be living in a time where we get to watch it all unfold on our screens.

‘The Walking Dead’ 10×02 Review: “We Are the End of the World”

I think the theme of this season of The Walking Dead is friendship. Last week, we learned from Carol and Daryl that BFFs make friendship bracelets and talk about running away together. This week, the Alpha and Beta taught us…