7 Times the Sprouse Twins Roasting Each Other Gave Us Life

We all love a good Twitter roast. When it is all in good fun, it can be hilarious to witness, especially when the people involved are nothing short of skilled sass masters. Dylan and Cole Sprouse are such individuals. The…

The Principled Stand and How to Resist It When You’re A Hero

We’ve all seen those movies and TV shows where the – usually white – lead is faced with a moral dilemma. The easy path is carved out in flashing neon lights. The bad guy wants them to do something a…

The Progressive Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse

The Incomplete Yet Ultimate Guide To Surviving This Political Shit Storm! In no way is this list exhaustive. It is a beginner’s introduction to what you can expect as the world comes to a screaming halt one Cheetos not-president at…