
‘Chicago Fire’ 10×06 Review: “Dead Zone”

Comments (5)

    Existe um novo corpo de Bombeiros, novas histórias a serem contadas, Brett esta seguindo em frente em um relacionamento de verdade e isso é bom, Mouch é realmente hilário kkk. Severide merece umas palmadas, demonstra saudades de Casey mas não de Stella, a forma com a qual ele falou da Stella não me agradou, Seager dando o bote mais uma vez e ele sendo receptivo. Enfim o episódio não foi tão ruim, mas sinto muita falta da Stella. Ela precisa voltar, Severide precisa sair da zona de conforto e ser líder no 51, Brett precisa trabalhar com mais atenção e ter a certeza que não esta sozinha, 51 tem uma rede de apoio.

  2. Michele says:

    I didn’t like the arson plot at first, but once the guy set the priest ON FIRE, I was in. But I swear if Severide doesn’t tell Seager he and Stella are engaged next episode my head is going to explode. Oh, and I MISS STELLA KIDD!!

  3. April says:

    I actually didn’t watch it cause the day Caseybleft was the day I was done! We as fans had waited so long for brett and casey and when they finally do he leaves, they knew he was leaving so they at least should have made it too where they just stayed a friends , in the long run she isn’t gonna be alone on screen for years so eventually what is gonna happen is him or her calling and saying we just can’t do this anymore like it always happens I am just very sad about the way this whole thing went down, it’s a disservice to the character we love and I was ahuge casey and brett fan and now what we only have 5 episodes they are together no that’s just it for me and it’s boring with out casey who knows mabe they can recast like alot of day time shows do lol. It would be ki da good if they did then at least there would be hope for casey and brett at this point we all know how this is gonna end Break up soon and brett with another sad ending , mabe they should have just kept her and granger together at least then she wouldn’t be alone!

  4. Lisa D Carter says:

    Herrmann and Mouch ROCKED IT! NEVER underestimate the Swag-of-Old-School-Cool!! Herrmann’s ready to take charge of Engine and he’s next for the now vacant Lieutenant’s quarters, finally!

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