
Chicago Fire 12×12 Review: “Under Pressure”

Comments (1)
  1. Rich says:

    I disagree with you on this one. I loved this episode. While I do agree that there were too many people left out of it, Herman and Ritter specifically, I really enjoyed it.

    Capp and Tony really don’t get storylines. So seeing them have one, even as comic relief, is a good thing. The actor who plays Tony is a real life Chicago Fireman. He advises the show to keep the rescue scenes and their procedures realistic. So he deserves the spotlight every once in a while. Having him and Capp compete with 2 squad members from another house who are clearly clones of them was funny. I laughed out loud when they told the other squad members “you wasted $1,200 just to get in the Guinness Book of World Records.” Loved the light hearted distraction.

    I have enjoyed how they have brought Novak along. I like how Violet realizes how different they are and that is a strength. As stated from the previous episode, how they can learn from one another. Also got a good laugh out of Violet bragging about her bread making skills. Seeing her help Novak through a difficult call and Novak accepting her help was good for their relationship. Finding out that Novak was going from firehouse to firehouse as a coping mechanism and to avoid trauma gives insight into her character.

    The best part of the episode in my opinion is the Cruz and Chloe storyline. While their marital issues seem to come out of nowhere, this episode clarifies that they didn’t. Chloe almost ended her relationship with Cruz because of her anxiety of worrying about him while he is on calls. That Mouch almost dying and Trudy losing it, brought these feelings to the surface makes sense. What family members of First Responders go through and the anxiety they face, I can’t imagine. Hearing about a police officer being shot or a five alarm fire and knowing that your spouse could be injured or worse is a lot for anyone to deal with. I hope that they continue this storyline next season. I also hope we get a scene with Chloe and Cindy. There is a lot of potential for a good and fresh storyline out of this.

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