352 Articles4 Comments

‘The Flash’ SDCC Interview: Hartley Sawyer Promises Leadership & Love in Season 6

From the moment The Flash introduce Ralph Dibny fans have eagerly awaited the introduction of his canonical love interest, Sue. According to actor Hartley Sawyer, they don’t have much longer to wait. “Sue [Dearborn] is going to come in at…

‘The Flash’ SDCC Interview: Danielle Panabaker Promises Things Will Get Frostier in Season 6

Last season saw Caitlin and Killer Frost coming to terms with each other and their peculiar coexistence. This season, actress Danielle Panabaker promises the spotlight will focus more heavily on her frosty alter-ego. As Killer Frost takes charge, her relationships…

‘The Flash’ SDCC Interview: Eric Wallace Talks Crisis, Creativity, and Comic Book Lore in Season 6

With a new show-runner, Eric Wallace, at the helm, fans are understandably curious about the direction The Flash will take this year. Wallace is quick to put such fears to rest, promising, “Because I’m a comic guy, there’s going to…

‘The Flash’ SDCC Interview: Candice Patton Discusses Westallen’s Grief, Iris’s Journalism in Season 6

Iris West-Allen has had a rough few years of it, facing more than her fair share of grief and drama. Fans eager to see her return to a more lighthearted romance with Barry are unlikely to get their wish as…

‘The Flash’: Five Questions We Want Answered at SDCC 2019

It’s that time of year again, when shows head to San Diego Comic Con, and we start to get our first real glimpses into what our favorite shows will bring us this season. Fans of ‘The Flash’ are particularly interested…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×20 Review: Good Girl ‘Gone Rogue’

In this week’s episode of The Flash, Nora goes a little bad, plans go a little awry, Joe and Iris kick a little ass, and Cisco gets a little bit to do. Let the Hate Flow Through You We picked…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×19 Review: Half Decent “Snow Pack”

This week’s episode of The Flash, titled “Snow Pack,” is all about family. If you missed that, you might want to go to the doctor because they were about as subtle about that fact as they are in mafia movies.…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×17 Review: “Time Bomb”

The Flash‘s “Time Bomb” was an interesting episode in that, by itself, it wasn’t terrible. It wasn’t great, either. It was kind of middle-of-the-road. The episode did finally introduce an emotional stake into the major conflicts of the season. But…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×16 Review: “Failure is an Orphan”

This week, the return of a fan-favorite writer brought back a focus on family, the end of a tiresome plot, and the introduction of a Killer Frost who watched Avengers: Infinity War and realized Wong had the right idea all…

Eric Wallace Named New EP for ‘The Flash’ Season 6

Rumors have swirled that various actors may be leaving The Flash, but this news is confirmed. Eric Wallace will step into the role of Executive Producer for the hit series in season six. Wallace has been a co-Executive Producer for…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×15 Review: ‘King Shark vs. Gorilla Grodd’

On this week’s episode of The Flash, a talking shark in pants took on a psychic gorilla. Meanwhile, Joe West returns looking refreshed and rejuvenated to have some wonderful moments with Cecile and Iris, S.T.A.R. Labs becomes a little Shape…

‘The Flash’ 5×14: Cause and – Cause and – Cause and XS

This week’s episode of The Flash, titled “Cause and XS” had a marked lack of Barry and filled the time with a little Groundhog Day inspiration. (As I understand it, filming happened around the period of Grant Gustin’s wedding.) Rumor has…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×13 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “Goldfaced”

There is something just so irresistibly endearing about Barry Allen. Is it his boyish charm? His optimism and utter faith in people? The fact he wears his hero’s heart on his sleeve? A few days ago, I would have agreed…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×12 Review: Bittersweet “Memorabilia”

Wait. What…what is that? An episode of The Flash that has a strong plot, gives Iris and Nora both decent point of view, clears up some potential plot holes, and actually manages to make the villain interesting mid-season? Where has…

‘The Flash’ 5×11 Review: “Seeing Red” or Seeing Meh?

Do you ever come across an episode of television that is so “middle of the road” that you don’t really know what to say about it? Not so fantastic that you want to talk about its wonderful nuances. Not so…

‘The Flash’ 5×10: I Have…Questions About “The Flash & The Furious”

Sometimes shows, and especially episodes like “The Flash & The Furious,” prompt us to ask questions. They make us think about our preconceived notions of the world around us. They ask us to wrestle with our angels and demons. Or,…

‘The Flash’ 5×09 Review: Elseworlds Part 1

Well, it’s that time of year again. Time for the annual crossover between the Arrowverse shows – or three of them this year, at least. Every year, it’s a chance to see all (or, rather, some) of our favorite characters…

‘The Flash’ 4×08 Review: It’s Been a Long Road to the 100th Episode

This week, The Flash aired its 100th episode – still a tremendous achievement for any television show today. As such, the episode, titled “What’s Past is Prologue,” was more an excuse to look back to the past. To remind the…

‘The Flash’ 3×07 Review: THIS SHOW IS ABOUT FAMILY, OKAY?

I had hoped that The Flash would go from the worst episode of the season last week to one of the strongest this week. Well, I guess there’s a reason nobody says that Thanksgiving is the season for wishes to…

‘The Flash’ 5×05 Review: #ABiggerWorldForIris in “All Doll’d Up”

Over the last year or so, fans of Iris West have used the #ABiggerWorldForIris hashtag to tweet about what they would like to see for her character. After this week’s episode of The Flash, titled “All Doll’d Up,” either the…

‘The Flash’ 5×04 Review: A Make-or-Break Episode

Since the beginning of the season, one question has hovered over the show like a dark cloud. Why is Nora so cold towards Iris? Her attitude towards her mother was so pronounced, it was impossible to ignore. As such, the…