Little Mix Talks About Shout Out To My Ex, Ugly Heart Comparisons

Little Mix is on a roll these days. The foursome has been on a roll with the release of Shout Out To My Ex. Immediately, one of my friends messaged me and said it sounds like G.R.L.’s Ugly Heart. Now,…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×03 Review: “The Other Shoe”

Who would have thought? (Everyone). When you bring in the familiar faces, focus on the couples we’ve followed on this journey for five seasons and involve the characters we care about in the untold story, you have a pretty good…

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Poldark

Summer is here. With it’s arrival comes the dreaded realization that your favorite shows have ended. Don’t enter panic mode just yet. Poldark will save you! This BBC production, spanning eight episodes, tells the story of Ross Poldark and his return…

'Arrow' 4×20 Review: 'Genesis' [Channeling the Light]

When it comes to Arrow’s fourth season it’s seen its share of highs and lows. While the first half of the season was sensational, the second half has failed to impress nearly as much with that signature lull that tends…

‘The 100’ 3×11 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Nevermore’

Every week, Fangirlish writers (and sometimes guests) sit down to discuss new episodes of The 100. We share our thoughts, feelings, and speculations on everything and anything in what we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode…

‘Once Upon A Time’ Review “Labor of Love”

Sometimes an episode will give you what you want. More often than not, if the writers hit the spot, however, an episode will give you what you need. And that’s exactly what Once Upon A Time did in “Labor of…

‘A Discovery of Witches’ TV Rights Acquired

A Discovery of Witches is an amazing book – one that we love whole heartedly. Deb Harkness wrote a book that makes you unable to look away and drives you to keep flipping the pages. Which extends to the other…