Timeless 1×16 Review: This is Not Goodbye

And not just because I refuse (though I refuse, I refuse, I refuse), but because it’s not fair. And okay, sometimes life is not fair. Sometimes television is not fair. But, in this day and age, especially with what’s going…

Supergirl Roundtable: Why We Love Mon-El (& Karamel)

Supergirl has introduced several new, integral characters in its sophomore season all of which have their own unique personality and contribution to this season and Kara’s story. But perhaps the most controversial of the new characters is Chris Wood’s Mon-El,…

Stop and Fangirl Episode 7: Book to Movie Adaptations

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

Doctor Strange: 5 Questions We Want Answered at SDCC

One of the films we are most excited to see at the end of the year is Doctor Strange, which will introduce yet another popular Marvel character, and prominent member of the superhero squad. The film will star Benedict Cumberbatch…

The 100: 5 Questions We Want Answered at SDCC

Life on The 100 is never easy. From crazy AI’s to tyrannical leaders, who think they’re doing their best to make Arkadia great again, it’s a hot stinking mess. And with the way that Season 3 of The 100 ended,…

Once Upon A Time Season in Review

Hello Oncers! The hiatus has just started, but before we start looking forward to SDCC and speculating about season 6, it’s time to look back toward season 5 once more, and talk about what worked, what didn’t, and what we…

'Captain America: Civil War' Review

There has been highly anticipated movies for 2016, and then there’s Captain America:  Civil War, a film that has had people signing blood oaths that they won’t reveal spoilers, and for the most part this review will be spoiler-free but…

My Fandom: ‘Once Upon A Time’ (around the world)

Fandom is a funny place. It’s also a wonderful place, a scary place, a life-changing one. Anyone who hasn’t experienced the sense of community, the belonging, will never be able to understand what it means to share something you love…