Why This Should be the End of ‘Once Upon A Time’

I didn’t think I’d be writing this – I certainly didn’t expect to. Like most people I’d processed the idea of Jennifer Morrison leaving the show and then convinced myself it wouldn’t happen. They wouldn’t deprive Once Upon A Time…

‘The X Files’ Renewed for Season 11

Today is the day where dreams come true. And fine, I’m being hyperbolic, because we all figured this was coming, it was only a matter of time – but The X-Files are coming back for a season 11, and with…

Once Upon A Time” 6×16 Roundtable ‘Mother’s Little Helper”’

Still no Captain Swan reunion. *sighs* But hey, at least Gideon isn’t really a bad guy? Silver linings and all. Plus, there was a little Snow/Emma bonding (which is more than we ever get), an honest Rumbelle conversation and a…

The Walking Dead 7×13 Review: Bury Me Here

Morgan has finally snapped, Benjamin is dead, and Carol is on the rise in The Walking Dead’s ‘Bury Me Here’. Richard’s unending need for a war to break out resulted in tragedy and his own death at the hands of…

Turning the Pages: Empress of a Thousand Skies Review

  Title: Empress of a Thousand Skies Author: Rhoda Belleza Publisher: Razorbill Author Bio: Rhoda Belleza was raised in Los Angeles, where she grew up writing X-Files fan fiction and stuffing her face with avocados. She’s a children’s editor at…

So Long, Thanks For All The Fish!

The thing about science is that it’s there, resolute and immutable, whether or not you agree with it. It can be neglected in a corner, told to take a time out, or it can be misunderstood, but it doesn’t go…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×05 Review: ‘Dust and Shadows’

Shadowhunters is at its best when it focuses on its characters, and Dust and Shadows demonstrated that. The character moments were amazing: Jace and Clary’s chemistry continues to be amazing, Alec just about stole every scene he was in, and…

Supergirl 2×10 Review: 'We Can Be Heroes'

Supergirl has a reputation for being the light-hearted show of DC television. But in “We Can Be Heroes,” Supergirl embraced its inner angst to deliver perhaps the darkest episode of the season in a manner that didn’t feel too dark…

Outlander: Mr. Willoughby and Captain Leonard Have Been Cast

Personally I get excited when they announce new Outlander casting. Not only because I know that it’s another day closer to having Jamie and Claire back on my TV – but also because I am looking at who I will…

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Digital and Blu-ray Release Information

Warner Brothers has announced the Fantastic Beasts DVD and Blu-ray release dates and we’re on a count down. March 7, we will have the DVD and the Blu-ray will follow on March 28. We can’t wait. Though we know that…

Shadowhunters Needs to Fix its Shapeshifting Rune

Of all the senseless additions to the Shadow World that Shadowhunters has introduced over its first two seasons, the shapeshifting rune – that useful little mark that allows all our nephilim characters to seamlessly disguise themselves as other people –…

Five Life Lessons From the ‘Resident Evil: The Final Chapter’ Trailer

Ambitious. Unmatched. Resilient. We can go on about how much we love Alice in the trailer for Resident Evil: The Last Chapter. Over six movies we’ve watched this woman kick ass and take names. She’s proof that a female lead can tear…

Would Dakota Johnson Ever Regret Fifty Shades of Grey?

One movie that I am looking forward to is Fifty Shades Darker. I loved Fifty Shades – the books and the movies. And I am okay with that. Fifty Shades Darker opens in theaters February 10th, which means that there…

Arrow 5×10 Review: 'Who Are You?'

There was a defining moment in Arrow’s mid-season premiere where Felicity was having a conversation with Black Siren about how Oliver was trying to save her. Because he couldn’t save their Laurel. How this was his chance for redemption. And…

Stop and Fangirl Episode 16: Badass Parents on TV

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

The Flash 3×10 Review: 'Borrowing Problems from the Future'

While The Flash had been a letdown for me early on in this current third season, the season finale was a game changer in every sense of the word. It was a game changer plot wise, as well as hype…

Matthew Goode Added to the Cast of The Crown

We’ve never made a secret that we’re obsessed with any and all things royal. Whether it be the real royal family or the ones from The Crown, we’re obsessed. As we sit here and eagerly await the second season of…

‘Timeless’ 1×12 Review: For You, A Thousand Times Over

This phrase from “The Kite Runner,” by Khaled Hosseini kept playing in my mind over and over again as I watched the episode. It’s not a romantic phrase, or at least, it’s not used in that context in the book…

Supergirl 2×09 Review: 'Supergirl Lives'

Supergirl has easily been the best of the DC Comics shows on television this season, and it’s obvious why. The sophomore CBS transfer has embraced the very best that the show has to represent, while also introducing additional elements that…

10 Reasons We Love Timeless

We feel in love with Timeless from the beginning – before that, even, as we were lucky enough to get an early glimpse at what was to become one of our new obsessions. But even then, we couldn’t have predicted…

The Blacklist 4×11 Review: ‘The Harem’

Last night’s episode, “The Harem” was underwhelming to say the least. The group of female thieves were completely irrelevant, and it wasn’t even really a compelling case episode. There were a couple good exchanges of dialogue between characters, but almost…