You’ve Written A Strong Female Character, Now What?

You’ve done the unimaginable – you’ve written a strong female character, who seems to derive her self-worth, not from the world, but from herself and her choices. This character isn’t necessarily good, or even bad, but she’s strong, opinionated, capable,…

“Selfish” Female Disney Characters: The Evil Queen

The evolution in the portrayal of “selfish” female Disney characters is a worthy case study for how the feminist movement has progressed over the seventy-five years from Snow White to Frozen; the operative definition of selfish from Merriam-Webster being, “concerned…

Fangirlish 2019 Lists: Our Favorite Female Friendships In TV and Films

The year 2019 graced us with fantastic female leads who are strong and, most importantly – smart and self-sufficient. And one woman coupled with another one, creating a beautiful friendship – that’s something that helps society. Instead of backstabbing and…

Women in the Lead: Female Characters Who Don’t Need to be Saved

It seems that for as long as there has been a camera, capturing fantastical worlds and stories for the big and small screen, there have been female characters in very specific roles. The damsel in distress, desperately in need of…

The Women of Winterfell: How Female Protagonists Can Define a War

The night of April 28, 2019 was one that few will forget. It was one of death, of triumph, of loss and of courage, all packed in to a stressful and highly anticipated 88 minutes of must see television. With…

10 Reasons Why Anne Shirley is a Great Role Model

At long last, season 2 of Anne With An E has arrived in Canada. Yes, while the rest of the world got to experience the heartwarming, thought-provoking and just overall amazing TV Show that is Anne season 2 in July…