‘Nancy Drew’ 2×03 Review: “The Secret of the Solitary Scribe”

Welcome to another crazy week in Horseshoe Bay, Nancy Drew fans! This Hellmouth is getting ready to open ya’ll, and Nancy better get ready because the Aglaeca is coming for her and the Scooby gang. I thought this episode might…

‘Nancy Drew’ 1×16 Review: “The Haunting of Nancy Drew”

Welcome back Nancy Drew Fans! “The Haunting of Nancy Drew” was a doozy! OMG so much happened and all the mysteries were solved. I did not expect it, I was excited for it and am very excited Nancy Drew got…

‘Nancy Drew’ Review 1×10: “The Mark of the Poisoner’s Pearl”

Nancy Drew and “The Mark of the Poisoner’s Pearl” picks up weeks after Nancy‘s dad is carted off to jail on suspicion of the murder of Lucy Sable. Nancy is not taking his calls from prison and she is depressed,…