
‘Law & Order: SVU’ 25×10 Review: “Combat Fatigue”

Law & Order: SVU 25x10
Comments (2)
  1. Kavs says:

    This episode was like the car that tries to start and sputters and starts again and sputters again…
    Texting those pics to that guy, I guess they wanted to show how off balance the mother had gotten… but then 2 scenes later she is normal again… then back to off balance… then normal again… how is she swinging so wildly between normal and crazy?

    How did the judge allow George’s line of questioning regarding Maggie liking it or not… she was 15, drugged, all those were reasons to object immediately… and then the easy guilty verdict… the case was hot and cold too.

    My radar went up too… like no adult will ever borrow my kids for a few hours (or even minutes) without me knowing all the specifics of what’s going on… even more so in a police station!!!

    1. Shana says:

      Yeah. And the mother has been written so incredibly poorly all season. We’re supposed to, in any normal situation, root for her as someone who lost her kid, then got her back with an addiction and a very rough case ahead of her. Instead, I kept rooting for someone to disappear HER.

      Starting and sputtering basically sums up everything about this case, and for it to be the focal point of a big milestone season is such a disservice to literally everyone involved.

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