Turning the Pages: Nothing More By Anna Todd

I meant to publish this review on Monday, but the thing is I haven’t been able to find the right words. It’s rare that I am speechless. I’ve made no secret that I love Anna Todd‘s books. Everything about the…

Younger Version of Obsidian coming to Legends of Tomorrow

Hello again Obsidian! We shouldn’t even be surprised. This is a time-travel show, after all. TVLine is reporting that actor Dan Payne has been cast to play the young version of Obsidian. This version will, chronologically, appear first on the show…

5 Life Lessons We Learned from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

And we thought we had a hard life. But we don’t have a Dark-Lord for a mortal enemy, a godfather who can’t-really-think-straight, a werewolf for a teacher and two best-friends who can’t seem to communicate effectively. But then again, we…

Is This Real Life? We Interviewed Renee Zellweger and Director Sharon Maguire for Bridget Jones’s Baby

Something happens when Renee Zellweger enters a room. She’s not loud, she’s not overpowering, but she has a gentle smile that can light up a room. You can’t help but take notice. Many of us took notice of Renee years ago. Whether…

Gendry coming back to Game of Thrones?

Chalk it up to speculation, wishful thinking or just a plain old desire to see this loose end tied up, but a sighting of Joe Dempsie in Northern Ireland is basically all we need to start freaking out over the…

Once Upon A Time: War is coming to Storybrooke

“What if your favorite storybook characters … went to war?” the new Once Upon A Time season 6 trailer asks, and we can’t wait to know the answer. Even if we’re pretty sure it won’t exactly be rainbows and happy…

5 Life Lessons We Learned from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Being Harry Potter is hard, and it gets harder with each passing moment. And yet, in a way, it also gets easier. Like life. We live and learn, and sometimes just live without learning. The point is, we live. Things…

Spotlight on: Once Upon A Captain Swan Podcast

The summer hiatus is hard and cruel, especially for ardent fans of TV.  We strive to find other ways to entertain ourselves, to get our fix. And, if you’re a Once Upon A Time fan, and more specifically, a Captain…

Sarah J. Maas’ Throne of Glass Series Headed to Hulu

Sarah J. Mass’ fans rejoice! The Throne of Glass series is headed to Hulu! The streaming service is developing Queen of Shadows, an epic fantasy adventure TV series based on the books. The Mark Gordon Company will serve as the…

Once Upon A Time: Henry Has Two Moms (but he could have a Dad too)

Henry Mills has two mothers. In a way, you could say he’s a lucky child.  Despite Regina’s darkness, despite Emma’s initial reluctance, right now Henry has two mothers who love him more than anything in the world and who would…

Three Dark Crowns Just Didn’t Hit Home For Me

Where do I begin? When I read a book – 9 times out of 10 know what I am getting in to. However, when I sat down to read Three Dark Crowns – I didn’t know what I was getting…

How to Deal with a Man Who Tries to Talk to You While You’re Wearing Headphones

There is no animal more ridiculous than a man who feels he may very well not be the center of the universe. Being ignored is a sad state for many of these fickle creatures – for when you aren’t paying…

The Hunger Games Series To Release on 4K Ultra HD

Do I have a 4K TV? Nope. Do I even know what that is? Nope. Am I going to buy all four of The Hunger Games movies 4K series, complete with exciting special features, in four times the resolution for…

5 Life Lessons We Learned from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Being a wizard is hard. Being a young one with a lackluster family, thousands of people that have known your name since birth, and a prejudiced psychotic man after you, is even harder. *sigh* This is Harry Potters life. Brilliant,…

Game Of Thrones Adds Jim Broadbent

Jim Broadbent is coming to Game of Thrones season 7, and though we don’t yet know who he’ll be playing, we’re already excited. As always, details have not yet been released. Game of Thrones does love to keep us in…

Our Five Wishes for Arrow Season 5

With Arrow’s fifth season on the horizon our minds have shifted to obsessing and counting down the days until our favorite masked vigilante turned hero finds his way back to our television screens. Following Arrow’s intriguing fourth season finale, the…

25 Times This Year Ryan Reynolds Made Us Want to Up Our Twitter Game

If you are talking about people who are doing Twitter right, the first person that springs to my mind is Ryan Reynolds. He’s got this persona that tells people off in the funniest and kindest way. His humor is just…

Totally Drunk Movie Reviews: How to Be Single

Let’s be honest – the fact that there needs to be a movie to teach you How to be Single is some seriously fucked up shit. If you don’t know how to be alone you’ve got more issues than this…

Love, Feminism and Fandoms

Ah, the tricky matter of love. In real life, we all aspire to find that one person who, in the romantic tradition of Jerry Maguire, “completes us.” And yet, it’s not that we’re incomplete without a significant other, no. It’s…

Anne of Green Gables adaptation coming to Netflix

Anne of Green Gables fans rejoice, for the beloved redheaded orphan and role-model to many is coming to Netflix, in a brand new adaptation. The project, which will be called ‘Anne‘ is being written by Emmy-winning writer Moira Walley-Beckett (Breaking Bad). The two-hour…

The Flash’s Rogues Gallery adds The Top

Rosalind “Rosa” Dillon, a.k.a The Top, is coming to The Flash, and she’ll be played by Awkward star Ashley Rickards, E! News reported today. She’ll be making an appearance in the fourth episode of The Flash’s third season. It’s a…