Turning the Pages: The Lovely Reckless By Kami Garcia

Overall Rating:  ★★★★.5 Synopsis I’ve become an expert at avoiding things that could hurt me—which means I will figure out how to stay away from Marco Leone. Seventeen-year-old Frankie Devereux would do anything to forget the past. Haunted by the…

Watch the First Trailer of Marvel's Iron Fist

Marvel and Netflix just gave us the treat that is Luke Cage and they have already started the promotional wheel for their next collaboration – Iron Fist. The trailer was premiered at New York Comic Con (NYCC) this Saturday and…

‘Once Upon A Time’ Roundtable 6×02: “A Bitter Draught”

Here we go again! Season 6 of Once Upon A Time is now two episodes old, and though this episode was a bit ….eh, slow, there are still a lot of things to go over.  Because we’re fans. And we have…

Why This Is Us Breaks Through The Crowded Fall TV Season

Don’t get me wrong, I love superhero and sci-fi television as much as the next person. My walls are covered with Arrow and The Walking Dead memorabilia, I read comics whenever I can, and I re-watch episodes like a crazy…

‘Pitch’ 1×03 Review: ‘Double Switch’

Three episodes in, Pitch is already becoming one of my favourite shows. In the pilot, I got what I expected: a wonderful blend of female empowerment and sports culture. In episode two, they took it a step further, diving into…

Check Out the New Trailer for Teen Wolf Season 6

The  new Teen Wolf Season 6 trailer is here, and we just want to curl in a ball and cry. That’s an acceptable reaction, right? Right? We think it is. After all, this season seems to be the one that…

‘Pitch’ 1×02 Roundtable: ‘The Interim’

Here at Fangirlish, we’re huge fans of Pitch, the scrappy new baseball show about a strong woman getting the chance to play Major League baseball. Last week, we gushed about the incredible first episode, but expressed some concern that the wouldn’t…

Arrow 5×01 Review: Moving Forward

Heading into its season five premiere, Arrow has been touted as going “back to basics” in terms of tone. That was certainly evident in “Legacy,” which included direct callbacks to the pilot (including Oliver being tied up, casually untying himself,…

Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events Gets Premiere Date

A Series of Unfortunate Events is coming – and, if you know Lemony Snicket, you understand why he’s warning you away. That’s just who he is. Netflix’s adaptation of the acclaimed book series will be available, fittingly,  on Friday the 13th…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×02 Review: “A Bitter Draught”

So, that happened. And by that I mean, arguably, the most blah episode of Once Upon A Time we’ve been subjected to in a while. I mean, things moved forward ….yes. And they’re doing a nice job of setting up …eh,…

Stop and Fangirl Episode 2: How Barry Allen Became His Own Villain

Here at Fangirlish we are continuing to support your right to fangirl over any fandom, book, and TV show you desire with Stop and Fangirl!  Join us as we embark on this new adventure to provide fangirls (and boys) a safe place…

Amandla Stenberg to Star in The Darkest Minds

Amandla Stenberg, the actress  better known for playing Rue in The Hunger Games has nabbed the lead role in The Darkest Minds, Fox’s adaptation of the YA trilogy by Alexandra Bracken. Darkest Minds is set in a word where a disease killed roughly 98 percent…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6X01 Review: “The Savior”

It’s been a while, Oncers. But here we are, back for another season of Once Upon A Time. Hang on to your hats, because I’m back, more sarcastic, more opinionated, more informed and in possession of a way more Funkos…

Fangirlish Presents: Stop and Fangirl

Here at Fangirlish we support …well, we support your right to fangirl. Any way you want to do that. And we all support different fandoms. You like a book? That’s perfect. You enjoy a TV show? Do so. You’re crazy…

Turning the Pages: Nothing More By Anna Todd

I meant to publish this review on Monday, but the thing is I haven’t been able to find the right words. It’s rare that I am speechless. I’ve made no secret that I love Anna Todd‘s books. Everything about the…

Younger Version of Obsidian coming to Legends of Tomorrow

Hello again Obsidian! We shouldn’t even be surprised. This is a time-travel show, after all. TVLine is reporting that actor Dan Payne has been cast to play the young version of Obsidian. This version will, chronologically, appear first on the show…

5 Life Lessons We Learned from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

And we thought we had a hard life. But we don’t have a Dark-Lord for a mortal enemy, a godfather who can’t-really-think-straight, a werewolf for a teacher and two best-friends who can’t seem to communicate effectively. But then again, we…

Is This Real Life? We Interviewed Renee Zellweger and Director Sharon Maguire for Bridget Jones’s Baby

Something happens when Renee Zellweger enters a room. She’s not loud, she’s not overpowering, but she has a gentle smile that can light up a room. You can’t help but take notice. Many of us took notice of Renee years ago. Whether…

Gendry coming back to Game of Thrones?

Chalk it up to speculation, wishful thinking or just a plain old desire to see this loose end tied up, but a sighting of Joe Dempsie in Northern Ireland is basically all we need to start freaking out over the…

Once Upon A Time: War is coming to Storybrooke

“What if your favorite storybook characters … went to war?” the new Once Upon A Time season 6 trailer asks, and we can’t wait to know the answer. Even if we’re pretty sure it won’t exactly be rainbows and happy…

5 Life Lessons We Learned from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Being Harry Potter is hard, and it gets harder with each passing moment. And yet, in a way, it also gets easier. Like life. We live and learn, and sometimes just live without learning. The point is, we live. Things…