‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×06 Review: “Dark Waters”

Wow. Did that episode bring the unexpected feels or what? I mean, yes, we were promised Hook backstory. We weren’t promised tears, a family reunion, a Captain Cobra adventure, honesty and a realistic look at what a relationship between a…

The Blacklist 4×06 Review: ‘The Thrushes’

Tonight in “The Thrushes” the moment we’ve all been waiting for happened. That’s right, they finally got Agnes back!!!!!! It feels like it’s been an eternity and a half since they first started looking for her, but Red’s work finally…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×05 Roundtable: “Street Rats”

This savior business is not as cool as advertised, is it? After all, it’s not just one big moment of …saving. It’s a constant struggle to save and save and just …save. People. Things. Savior is something you are 24/7.…

Arrow 5×04 Review: Accepting Guilt is Easy, Forgiveness is Harder

When it comes to the crushing weight of guilt, our favorite Arrow characters are no strangers to it. In five years, we’ve witnessed not only Oliver Queen but John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen, and more be confronted with impossible…

Stop and Fangirl Episode 6: Halloween Horror Special

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×02 Roundtable: Discussing 'Justice Society of America'

A new season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, and Lyra discuss the hot topics from every Legends of Tomorrow episode. In Legends of Tomorrow‘s second episode of season 2,…

Timeless1x04 Review: Allies, Contacts and Women

Last time I got to review this show I talked about what a good Pilot it gave us and expanded a little on my hopes that they’d be able to keep it up. Four episodes in, the show has seemingly…

Todd Slavkin Talks Shadowhunters Season 1 vs. Season 2

When it comes to Shadowhunters fans – the book fans and the show fans – you can count on one thing, they are vocal. The fans have very strong opinion about the show, the character portrayals, and the books themselves.…

Veronica Roth Finally Addresses that Ascendant Movie Issue

One subject that we try to avoid a lot is Divergent. It’s not because we don’t love the books – we do. It’s because once you got past the first movie, a huge disservice was done to the story and…

Arrow 5×03 Roundtable: Discussing 'A Matter of Trust'

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, and Nora discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In Arrow’s third episode of season 5, Cody Rhodes made a guest appearance as…

Check out the Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Official Trailer

A month. That’s how long we have to wait for Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. Just a month. Four weeks. We can make it. Right? Right? It doesn’t truly feel like we can, but we’ve waited this long.…

Little Mix Talks About Shout Out To My Ex, Ugly Heart Comparisons

Little Mix is on a roll these days. The foursome has been on a roll with the release of Shout Out To My Ex. Immediately, one of my friends messaged me and said it sounds like G.R.L.’s Ugly Heart. Now,…

The Walking Dead 7×01 Review: The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be

The Walking Dead Season 7 premiere titled “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be” was bold, horrifying, a tour de force by Negan and the rest of the cast. Every single actor was so immersed in what they were…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×05 Review: “Street Rats”

“Gotta keep one jump ahead of the breadline, one swing ahead of the sword… I steal only what I can’t afford. (That’s Everything!)” Well, yes, I did punctuate the beginning of this review by singing “One Jump Ahead.” But hey, it’s Aladdin. I…

Shadowhunters Interview: Isaiah Mustafa, Harry Shum Jr, and Alberto Rosende

When Isaiah Mustafa, Harry Shum Jr, and Alberto Rosende sit down at a table – you don’t know where to look. Because the thing is – they are all so beautiful, but they also command a room. Never fails, when…

Netflixs Anne of Green Gables Adaptation Finds its Anne

Say hello to the new Anne of Green Gables. Deadline reports that Anne, the Netflix/CBC adaptation currently in the works has found it’s lead character in fourteen year old Amybeth McNulty. 1,889 girls auditioned for the role, said executive producer Miranda de…

Gendry coming back to Game of Thrones

The rumors have been flying for a while, but now it’s been confirmed. Joe Dempsie, who played Gendry in the first three seasons of Game of Thrones, is returning to the show for it’s seventh season. We’d already reported on…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×04 Roundtable “Strange Case”

Goodbye Mr. Jekyll. So long Mr. Hyde. We barely knew ye. It wasn’t such a strange case after all. This episode was way more interesting for what it presented in Storybrooke, and how our characters story-lines entwined with Jekyll and Hyde’s,…

10 Things We Loved About Legends of Tomorrow: Justice Society of America

It’s been two episodes, and Legends of Tomorrow is already way better than it was all of last season. No, seriously. Not a little better – but way better. This is surprising, considering they’re missing who was, arguably, the strongest…

Rocky Horror Picture Show Review: Let’s Do the Time Warp Again!

I was eight years old the first time I watched the Rocky Horror Picture show. The movie was already a classic by then, and I was too young to really understand the intricacies behind it. But I loved the music,…

Arrow 5×03 Review: Trust Your Team

Trust is the key fundamental in any successful relationship. Without trust, what do you have? What can you accomplish? What is at stake? In “A Matter of Trust,” Oliver Queen had to confront this issue of trust in terms of…