‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ Part 5 Review: A New Beginning

Our heroes have saved the world! Or did they? I must admit it was surprising that Legends of Tomorrow got the final episode of this massive 5-episode crossover. Surely since Arrow was the start of this whole franchise, it would…

‘Arrow’ 8×08 Review: “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four”

We‘re back! After the Christmas break, the crossover is back on Arrow 8×08 with “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four.”  The episode has been one of the worst of this entire crossover.  A boring and chaotic episode, where only the last minutes are…

Queerly Not Straight: The Bisexual Known as Clarke Griffin

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

Keep Calm, Trope On: Spin-offs

We all have our favorite and least favorite tropes. From love triangles to slow burns, tropes are often the best ways to showcase great characters and storylines. They can also be frustrating and make you question why it is even…

‘The Good Place’ Series Finale Review: The Time of Our Lives

It strikes me as both incredibly strange and unbelievably fulfilling that I find myself feeling this emotional after having watched The Good Place series finale, titled “Whenever You’re Ready.” Strange because I never really thought we’d get here, never wanted…