Countdown To Christmas Movie Review: Mystic Christmas

I am just going to put this out there – when I saw the poster to Mystic Christmas, I thought that I was going to tear this movie apart. I thought that I was going to be watching something that…

Countdown To Christmas Review: Christmas By Design

Like Charlie, in Christmas by Design, I don’t ever want to leave Manhattan for Christmas. There is something special about the city, especially around the holidays. But sometimes you need to leave the city. Sometimes the city tells you that…

Countdown To Christmas Preview Guide: Christmas By Design

Oh Countdown to Christmas season, I am ready for my emotions to be assaulted in the best way. I love to cry my eyes out. I love to laugh. I love to feel the Christmas spirit that I claim to…

Countdown To Christmas Review: Under The Christmas Sky

It’s very rare that it’s difficult for me to talk about a movie that I both loved and felt meh about. But it’s not for the reasons that you think. Honestly, Hallmark, I don’t know what happened – because I…

Countdown To Christmas Review: Where Are You, Christmas?

Well, well Hallmark, I didn’t expect my tears to flow this early in the Countdown to Christmas season. And boy with Where Are You, Christmas? did I cry my eyes out. Like full on used a box of kleenex. I…

Countdown To Christmas Movie Review: Checkin’ It Twice

Countdown to Christmas season is finally here! This girl is excited. It means that I can spend my weekends sitting in bed, watching movies, eating popcorn, and rejoicing in the Christmas spirit. I don’t feel it a lot, but when…

Countdown To Christmas Preview Guide: Under The Christmas Sky

The thing about Under The Christmas Sky is that is it looks a little intense, but we mean that in the best way. When it comes to Countdown to Christmas, we love a movie that looks intense and if we’re…

Countdown To Christmas Preview Guide: Where Are You, Christmas

Christmas is a few months off, but I can guarantee that we all have wished that the holidays would skip a year from time to time. It becomes a lot. It becomes overwhelming. Sometimes, we all need a break. However,…

Countdown To Christmas Preview Guide: Checkin’ it Twice

It’s the best time of the year, it’s Countdown to Christmas time! For me, a person that is jaded about any holiday, for some reason I can find a way to drift away and believe in the Christmas spirit with…

Countdown To Christmas: The 10 Movies We’re Looking Forward To The Most

If you’re like us, you’re rereading all of the descriptions of the upcoming Countdown to Christmas movies. We’ve been wondering which ones we’ll watch a million times, which ones we will love, and which ones we won’t. Holiday movies are…

Hallmark Announces Their ‘Countdown To Christmas’ Lineup!

Our weekends our booked starting October 20th! Join us as we #CountdownToChristmas! Which movies are you excited for?

Hallmark ‘Countdown To Christmas’ Review: “’Twas the Night Before Christmas”

’Twas the Night Before Christmas is a poem that I think we all can recite. If we’re being honest, I never knew who wrote it, the history of it, or anything. I just remembered it being read to me as…

Hallmark ‘Countdown to Christmas’ Review: ‘Christmas Class Reunion’

Now are we going to our class reunion. Fuck no. But will we be rewatching #ChristmasClassReunion. Fuck yes.

Hallmark ‘Countdown To Christmas’ Interview: Jonathan Bennett

We love Jonathan Bennett – even though he gave Erin nightmares about earwigs.

Hallmark ‘Countdown to Christmas’ Review: “The Most Colorful Time of the Year”

I have wanted to love every single movie this year, but I knew that there had already been a few that I hadn’t liked… so another one was coming. And I wanted to like The Most Colorful Time of the…

Hallmark ‘Countdown to Christmas’ Review: “A Fabled Holiday”

#AFabledHoliday deserves to be a Christmas movie franchise. Do you hear us Hallmark?

Hallmark ‘Countdown to Christmas’ Review: “A Big Fat Family Christmas”

If you thought your family loved Christmas, they have nothing on the Changs. Read our review of #ABigFatFamilyChristmas here!

Hallmark ‘Countdown to Christmas’ Review: “A Holiday Spectacular”

It can take a great deal of courage to be the person you’re meant to be. That’s the focus of Hallmark’s A Holiday Spectacular, part of the Countdown to Christmas. It’s a story about a Philly heiress named Maggie (Ginna…

Hallmark ‘Countdown To Christmas’ Review: ‘A Christmas Cookie Catastrophe’

You know what they say (we think) – baked goods bring people together.

Hallmark ‘Countdown To Christmas’ Review: “A Tale of Two Christmases”

Dual timelines aren’t always our thing, but #TaleOfTwoChristmases didn’t disappoint us so we may give them more of a chance.

Hallmark ‘Countdown To Christmas’ Review: “Haul Out The Holly”

Dare we say it, we have a new favorite #LaceyChabert movie. We dare. #HaulOutTheHolly