‘Shadowhunters’ 3×09/3×10 Review: ‘Familia Ante Omnia’ & ‘Erchomai’

The first half of Shadowhunters season 3 ended tonight, and it was… not what I expected it to be. Is that a good thing? I’m not sure. Honestly, I was kind of happy with the way things were going, and…

The Handmaid’s Tale 2×04 Review: My Bad

Just when I think I have learned the outer bounds of torture, The Handmaid’s Tale 2×04 “Other Women” steps in to remind me that when it comes to suffering, the sky is the limit. “Other Women” zooms in on June’s,…

Excitement Overload! The Season 2 Trailer for ‘The Bold Type’ Is Finally Here!

Sometimes friends are a pain in the ass, sometimes they are a God send. Sometimes you are like don’t judge me for the jade egg I stuck up my vagina and can’t get out. Now for the record, I didn’t…

‘Barry’ 1×07 Review: You’re A Real Actor Now

Multi-chaptered, thousand page books could and should be written about what Alec Berg, Bill Hader and the cast, crew and writers of Barry’s seventh episode delivered to us in 30 minutes of utterly brilliant, screen and soul consuming storytelling. It’s…

'Arrow' 6×21 Review: The Judgement of Oliver Queen

What defines a hero? Are they defined by the mistakes they’ve made or the good they’re able to accomplish? This should be a rhetorical question because the answer is obviously the latter. Heroes are heroes because they do the things…

'Supergirl' 3×16 Review: Speak Your Truth

Oh, how life imitates art. Especially when it comes to the Supergirl fandom.Just as the Supergirl fandom has differing opinions — which can amount to personal insults — Kara and Imra found themselves confronted with opposite ideologies when it came…

‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Spoilery Review: Thanos Will Return

When Marvel released The Avengers roughly ten years ago, it seemed like the event of a lifetime. It was. Our favorite superheroes together, uniting despite their differences and their possible initial dislike of each other, to “fight the battles that…

‘Timeless’ 2×07 Review: I Still Care About You

I can’t start this review any other way than saying that, as a woman, this was an especially poignant hour. Sometimes you’re confronted with history you already know in a way that makes you think about what that history means,…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 5×18 Review: Women CAN Support Women

It’s getting increasingly harder to rank the latest Brooklyn Nine-Nine episodes from funniest to least funniest. This second half of season five has been so steadily hilarious, the lines begin to blur when we try and figure out which, exactly,…

‘Barry’ 1×05: Except

Barry is irredeemable. He murders people for a living, he follows orders seemingly without questioning them first. He takes hits on people, he kills them in the most brutal ways. He is never going to be able to have a…

‘Black Lightning’ 1×13 Review: “Shadow of Death: The Book of War”

Black Lightning‘s season finale, titled “Shadow of Death: The Book of War,” was on fire! From the music to the flashbacks, it tied the season up  nicely- leaving viewers more than ready to see the next chapter of Jefferson Pierce…

‘Arrow’ 6×19 Review: What the Hell Was That?

Remember last week when Arrow delivered arguably one of its best hours of season 6? Where it finally seemed to understand its central hero, Oliver Queen, and deliver some outstanding character moments all around? Good times. Do you also remember…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 5×16 & 5×17 Review: I Want It That Way

Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s double episode seemed to open a whole lot of storylines for a show that’s still waiting for a season 6 renewal. On one hand, “NutriBoom” seemed to set up a pretty established big baddie that low-key threatened Jake and Amy’s…

Paramount Wins Movie Rights to “Aru Shah and the End Of Time”

We’re always excited when there is a book optioned and we have the possibility of seeing something that we love on the silver screen. We now have another book that we love coming to the big screen and we’re psyched.…

‘Timeless’ 2×05 Review: I Have No Regrets

I feel like a broken record. I probably sound like one. (No regrets. Pun intended) But it’s hard for me to watch an episode of TV this good, and then come out of my bubble to a world where Timeless…

‘Supernatural’ 13×18 Review: “Bring ’em Back Alive”

Supernatural‘s “Bring ’em Back Alive” brought back Gabriel, gave us a version of our Charlie that I will certainly love to the end of time, and made it so the Winchesters lost everything else. They lost their archangel. They lost…

‘Arrow’ 6×18 Review: The Self-Examination of Oliver Queen

It’s a curious thing, that show Arrow. How it can manage to deliver an infuriating episode where it doesn’t know its own characters and then manage to deliver a satisfying and compelling episode where it shows just how well it…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 5×15 Review: Eat A Jerk, Pal!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine has the healthiest relationships on television right now. Actually, it has the healthiest relationships in the history of television, ever. It’s probably due to the fact that its genre —a comedy— allows them to bypass the drama and…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ 5×16 Review: “Inside Voices”

One thing I love about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is that sometimes, even when a episode doesn’t feel that big, it still has moments that give you special feelings. Shock, Surprise, Fear and Humor. While “Inside Voices” wasn’t one of the…

‘Barry’ 1×02 Review: This Isn’t ‘Cheers’

If Barry’s pilot was anything to go by, we expected a certain structure to episodes, almost like a hit-of-the-week formula where we’d see Barry try to juggle his hitman life with his newly found love of acting. We imagined a gruesome death…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ 5×15 Review : “Rise and Shine” or Hydra by the Bell

There’s many things I expect in a usual Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D episode: Coulson cracking wise, a lovely or angsty FitzSimmons scene, and May giving the “look.” You know the one that can cut through a person in milliseconds. “Rise and…