Black Lightning 2×02 Review: “The Book of Consequences: Chapter Two: Black Jesus Blues”

Season two’s premiere was a bit of a let down, but I am more than happy to say that episode two made a thunderous (so much bad pun intended here) return to the screen this week. Everyone had a meaningful…

‘Blindspot’ 4×02 Review: “My art project”

Blindspot has surprised us with an episode full of clues for what awaits us in the future. “My art project” is a cocktail of action, humor and tension. Things move on all fronts, placing the pieces of the puzzle right…

‘Titans’ 1×02 Review: ‘Hawk and Dove’

You’ve heard the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Well, Hawk and Dove prefer to fight instead. Sometimes together and other times each other. This week’s episode of Titans introduced two new heroes who did not disappoint. After taking…

‘Blindspot’ NYCC Highlights

Hellatus is over! Tonight we can enjoy the premiere of Blindspot’s season 4. So you don’t miss anything, we bring you a compilation of all the things t the cast said about season four at NYCC last week. Also ……

The Seven Facets of Westallen Love

As any Westallen fan – and Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, and Todd Helbing themselves – will tell you, the relationship between Barry Allen and Iris West(-Allen) of The Flash is unique. In a medium that often values drama over strength,…

10 WTF Moments from ‘Wynonna Earp’s “No Cure for Crazy”

Weddings and bad internet connections made this past week’s review of Wynonna Earp‘s “No Cure for Crazy” a no go. So instead of breaking down what happened during the episode let’s talk about the top 10 WTF moments of “No…

‘Wynonna Earp’ SDCC Interview: Melanie Scrofano Talks Mama Earp and Keeping Secrets from Waverly

*Note: This interview was taken pre-episode 2 of season 3 of Wynonna Earp. RIP. (Was going to put the name but what if someone hasn’t seen episode 2 yet?) Wynonna Earp continues to be the little show that could with…

CBS SDCC Interviews: ‘Tell Me A Story’ and “Magnum PI’ Leave A Mark

Sometimes you go into a press room for something and end up leaving with a new appreciation for other things. That’s what happened to us during the CBS press room at San Diego Comic Con. We were there for Charmed,…

‘Black Lightning’: 6 Questions We Want Answered at SDCC 2018

The first season of Black Lightning left us with the action packed war against Proctor and the Pierce family seeming to accept the challenge of protecting Freeland. Though they packed an awful lot into the finale, fans are still left…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ Season 5 Review: Rewriting the Future

Many shows take a shot at being the best comic book show on television– from shows such as Preacher or Legion to the DC/CW ones like Arrow and The Flash. While they all have moments of glory, none perform at…

Queerly Not Straight: 5 Reasons We Love ‘Moonstruck’ by Grace Ellis

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community. Welcome to Queerly Not Straight! Enjoy and leave a comment below if…

‘Famous in Love’ Season 2 Review: Hollyweird

The end of season 2 of Famous In Love brought with it the devastating news that there will be no season 3 for fans to look forward to. So while we mourn the end of this show, let’s take a look…

‘Younger’ 5×03 Review: The Heart of the Detour

Younger 5×03 “The End of the Tour” takes a pink highlighter and rests it on my most well-worn passages until it messily bleeds all over the words, then it rips out pages from my final chapters and crumples them up,…

‘The Darkest Minds’ Movie Talk #7: The Importance of Chemistry

Every Monday and Friday we’re bringing you The Darkest Minds content leading up to the film’s Aug. 3 release. Chemistry is important. And not just as a science subcategory. The chemistry I’m talking about is the kind found in the entertainment world…

5 Things We Have Learned From Fandom

Fandoms are special. Ignore all the teeny bopper fangirls who care only about how hot the celebrity is. Ignore those fangirls who like to hate on other fangirls who don’t share their love for the same ship.  And you’ll find…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Season Five Review: See You At Home

It’s been a hell of a rollercoaster season for the Nine-Nine. It was a year tainted with cancellation rumors that had the fandom on edge like it’d never been. We wanted to enjoy the episodes, yes, but checking the ratings…

Danielle Campbell Cast In “Tell Me A Story”

If you have been reading us for awhile, you know that we have always and will always love the cast of The Originals. One of those people being Danielle Campbell. Even though she left the show, we’ve continued to follow…

Listen to Marisha Pessl’s Dreamy Playlist for Her YA Debut ‘Neverworld Wake’

Something about summer makes us extra excited to explore the latest that pop culture has to offer. Whether it’s finding an amazing new book to read poolside or the songs that perfectly fill in the gaps of your road trip…

The Good & the Bad of 2×10 of ‘Famous in Love’

Another season of Famous in Love has come to a close, and this season finale was full of drama and one major cliffhanger. There was a lot to love and a lot to dislike in this episode, so let’s get…

'Supergirl' 3×20 Review: A Balancing Act

Supergirl continues to prove that the strength of any show is the characters that make up its universe. While “Dark Side of the Moon” wasn’t my favorite episode in the past few weeks — because Supergirl has been pretty solid…

‘Supernatural’ 13×23 Season Finale Review: “Let the Good Times Roll”

Lucifer proves that he’s not changed AT ALL (shocker alert), Dean accepts Michael into his body, and Jack continues being the nougat son we all know and love. Let’s dive into Supernatural’s “Let the Good Times Roll.’ Fuck Yeah, Michael…