‘Arrow’: 27 Olicity Quotes That Make Us Swoon

With Valentine’s Day forthcoming, we’ve been having some serious Oliver and Felicity feels as we marvel about how lucky we truly are to have this glorious ship in our lives. There have been a lot of iconic lines uttered by…

When Is ‘Arrow’ Finally Going to Get the Credit It Deserves?

When you stop and take a look around at all of the glorious comic book shows that fill our televisions every week it’s hard to believe there was a time four years ago when there was just one superhero show…

'Arrow': The Many Faces of Olicity

A look can say a thousand words. In four seasons of Arrow we’ve seen Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak convey a variety of emotions through their eyes and expressions. In a way they have their own silent language that no…

Exclusive Interview with ‘Agent Carter’ Composer, Christopher Lennertz

The moment when a character is running for their life or a couple we adore are finally getting together, it usually permeated by a music. Some chords, struck together to cause a reaction out of us – anxiety, fear, warmth,…

3 Life Lessons We Learned from the ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Trailer

The X-Men: Apocalypse trailer has arrived just in time to shake things up for the X-Men. Why not talk about the life lessons we learned from it.