'Game of Thrones' 6×03 Review: 'Oathbreaker'

One of the greatest things about Game of Thrones is that it can simultaneously make you feel joy and anger, it can bring you to the highest of heights with one character only to fall back down to your lowest…

‘Game of Thrones’ 6×02 Review: ‘Home’ or ‘What is Dead Shall Never Die’

Okay let’s not beat around the bush, the biggest thing that happened in this week’s episode was the fact that Jon Snow finally opened his eyes again and entered the land of the living. So yes, we can conclude that…

‘Game of Thrones’ 6×01 “The Red Woman” Roundtable

Game of Thrones returned last week, with an episode that provided more questions than answers. Is Jon Snow coming back? What does this season have in store for Daenerys? What exactly is going on in Dorne? Who’s first on Cersei’s…

‘Game of Thrones’ 6×01 Review: ‘The Red Woman’ or the GOT Female Revolution?

IT’S BAAAACK! After an excruciatingly long wait, Game of Thrones is finally back on our screens. And it has brought together all our main players on the same stage again. ‘The Red Woman’, much like the other premieres, served as…

‘Game of Thrones’ Speculation Roundtable

Game of Thrones is back tomorrow! Can you believe that? I can’t. It feels like yesterday that Jon Snow was bleeding to death and we were screaming at the television to NOT LET IT END LIKE THAT! And now, here we…

“One way or another…” promises ‘Game of Thrones’

Every time I think I can’t possibly be more excited about Game of Thrones, another picture/promo comes out and proves me wrong. This time, it was during the 2016 NCAA Tournament. It’s only thirty seconds, but considering how long we’ve…

‘Fear the Walking Dead’: Season 1 Special Edition – Deleted Scene

With the release of Fear the Walking Dead: Season 1 right around the corner, we are once again treated to exclusive content only available in this Special Edition BluRay/DVD. In the fourth episode, titled ‘Not Fade Away,’ Madison and Travis…

Game of Thrones: Jon Snow death scene script released

And you thought you were done having Jon Snow feels. (Or, you didn’t, because, you, like us, think he’s not staying permanently dead) Either way, this is an unexpected sucker punch. For the first time, HBO has made available the…

‘The 100’ 3×08 Review: “Terms and Conditions”

Welcome to the The 100‘s Mutiny of Kane! His specialties are: believing in others when they don’t believe in themselves, looking out for the survival of his people, and teaming up with Grounders friends to fight the good fight. (Keyword:…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×08 Review: 'Night of the Hawk'

First off, I’d like to address The CW and their constant need for hiatuses during times when it’s the most inconvenient: That’s right, after leaving Sara, Ray, and Kendra stranded in 1950s Oregon – you know, a literal monster movie…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×07 Review: 'Marooned'

If anything, Legends of Tomorrow continues to prove that it knows how to take a story in an entirely different direction than we expect it. And it’s not afraid to make shocking moves on behalf of the cast of characters…

‘The Choice’ Movie Review: This Movie Is Timeless…

I will be the first to admit that going to see The Choice – it already had two things going for it. It was romance and it starred Teresa Palmer – who if you have followed us for a long…

Beloved Actor Alan Rickman dies at 69

The beloved Alan Rickman, the bad guy from Die Hard, the good guy from Sense and Sensibility and the Professor that we all loved to hate from Harry Potter has passed away. He was 69. His death was confirmed on…

4 Life Lessons We Learned from ‘The Forest’ Trailer

The Forest tells the story of a young woman named Sara (Natalie Dormer) who ventures into uncharted territory in the search for her twin sister. What she doesn’t know is the ‘suicide forest’ is filled with angry spirits that haven’t…