‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 3×07 Review: “Welcome to the Jungle”

Let’s be real for a moment. The fun thing about time-travel is, of course is the ability to go anywhere in time. Julius Caesar? No problem! Meet Abe Lincoln? Cool Beans! The 2004 Oscars? Okay, weird choice, but why not?…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×05 Review: The Big Scary U

The Walking Dead’s “The Big Scary U” saw Negan & Gabriel spending some quality time together, Rick & Daryl fighting like siblings (yes, some siblings punch each other,) and too much time spent on the spineless weasels known as Gregory &…

Hook, Mon-El and Felicity: Ship Bias or Actual Problematic Characters?

To ship or not to ship, to like a character or not like a character. Sometimes, the two are intertwined. And yet, sometimes, the writers make characters into people you absolutely can’t root for, and that colors your idea of…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×08 Review: ‘Ian Garvey’

Last night in the fall finale of The Blacklist “Ian Garvey” we said goodbye to Tom Keen for good. Viewers had an idea that it was coming due to all of the foreshadowing and ominous signals from the first half…

‘The Shannara Chronicles’ 2×07 & 2×08 Review: Warlock & Amberle

The Shannara Chronicles “Warlock” and “Amberle” was a lesson in how love and letting go of the past can strengthen you for what’s to come. In the face of insurmountable evil, each and every single one of our heroes is going…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×04 Review: Some Guy

Carol continues her streak of badassery, Ezekiel is at a crossroads, and I’ve finally come to understand the necessity of all these battles and gun fights in The Walking Dead’s “Some Guy.” It’s hard to believe that we’re only on episode four…

‘Blindspot’ 3×03 Review: “Upside Down Craft”

We’re here again for one more week, Blindspot fans! “Upside Down Craft” was awesome. There was a lot of action, great Jeller scenes, a fantastic dynamic between the team, and … the secret between Ritch and Patterson has been revealed! In addition,…

‘The Gifted’ 1×06 Review: The Best Way Out is Always Through

Ah, to quote Robert Frost in a TV review is to get deep, but I couldn’t help but think of this line as I tried to find a common thread, not just to this season of The Gifted, but to…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×03 Review: Monsters

The Walking Dead once again tested Rick & Co. and the viewer on how far we’re willing to go to defeat the enemy in “Monsters.” It was an episode of self reflection for many and the death of others. Eric,…

‘Supergirl’ 3×04: ‘The Faithful’ Roundtable

We’re back with another Supergirl roundtable! Just in time for an episode where the show sets up the inevitable Sanvers breakup , attempts to give us some female bonding – with mixed results – and tries to go deep as…

New ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Teaser: Awake

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a little over a month away, and the final promotional push is here. And that just means our feelings are going to be assaulted, on a regular basis, during the next month and a…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×02 Review: The Damned

The Walking Dead’s “The Damned” gave us action, action, also, did I forget to mention the action? On top of that, the age ol’ argument about what to do with those that we’re fighting against, popped its head up again.…

Whining Won’t Stop Progress, POC Are Here to Stay

In a world full of reboots and first time live action productions, there’s bound to be some differences between the source material and what we see on screen. It keeps the material fresh, speaks to the kind of world that…

‘The Shannara Chronicles’ 2×03 Review: Graymark

The Shannara Chronicles “Graymark” gave us the reunion we’ve been waiting for, a daring rescue, and our first glimpse of Wil, Eretria, Mareth, and Garet teaming up. (Spoiler alert: we already love that last bit there and want more!) We…

‘The Gifted’ 1×04 Review: Risks, Hope and Lorna

“Sometimes you just have to take a risk and hope for the best,” Caitlin Strucker tells her kids, before the attempted rescue, before the action, before this show has delivered, arguably, its best moments so far in its young first…

‘The Flash’ 4×02: ‘Mixed Signals’ Roundtable

Oh, how we’ve missed The Flash. And we’re not just talking about hiatus. Following a season where The Flash went too dark and resembled something that wasn’t what it once was, The Flash is baaaaack baby. Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa,…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×01 Season Premiere Review: Mercy

The Walking Dead returns for its eight season with a bang (multiple actually) and the promise of war, death, and a whole lot of scheming and lying in “Mercy.” No matter what it looks like or how much ground Rick…

These Women of ‘Arrow’ and ‘The Flash’ Deserve Better 

In every show I’ve ever loved, there has been at least one woman that has stolen my heart. And in almost every fandom with which I’ve ever been involved, the female characters have been the most controversial and divisive. Sometimes…

‘The Shannara Chronicles’ 2×02 Review: Wraith

The Shannara Chronicles returns for its second episode of season two with “Wraith.” And in a not so surprising move I don’t want to talk about Wil or what he was doing in this episode because they are bigger things…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 3×02 Review: “Freakshow”

A trip to the circus is usually a fun experience, and for most of this week’s Legends of Tomorrow, it is. Not only do we get to see sabretooth tigers, bearded ladies and Billy Zane (Oh My!) but we also…

Dunkirk Star Aneurin Barnard Joining ‘The Goldfinch’

We thought that things couldn’t get too much better than Ansel Elgort being cast in The Goldfinch. Because hey, we love us some him. But we’re super excited for the next casting announcement. Lord, what is better than one hot…