Famous In Love 1×01 Recap: “Pilot”

If you’ve been on Twitter or turned on Freeform over the past few months, then you’ve probably seen how everyone is talking about the new show Famous in Love. Since you’re here reading this, that means that you were smart and…

Anne’s First Trailer Debuts

“Girls an do anything a boy can do, and more” Anne Shirley states very early on this trailer for the new Netflix adaptation of the beloved children’s books. And she’s set to prove to us how very right she is.…

Supernatural 12×12: Life Lessons We Learned from ‘Stuck in the Middle (With You)’

Supernatural‘s ‘Stuck in the Middle (With You)’ was a prolonged freak over Castiel being mortally wounded, Mary lying aka putting her family in danger for the pompous BMoL, and the past coming back to haunt us all in the form…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×05 Review: ‘Dust and Shadows’

Shadowhunters is at its best when it focuses on its characters, and Dust and Shadows demonstrated that. The character moments were amazing: Jace and Clary’s chemistry continues to be amazing, Alec just about stole every scene he was in, and…

Chicago P.D. 4×10 Review: ‘Don’t Read the News’

Something that Chicago P.D. has shown us over the years is how close they come to not discovering certain cases that they inevitably solve. Those families that live in the world not knowing what happened to their loved ones. But…

Kami Garcia and Jonathan Maberry Discuss Their Favorite X-Files Episodes

It’s Tuesday, so you know what that means – new books. Releasing today are two books that any X-Files fan needs to get their hands on – The X-Files Origins: Agent of Chaos and The X-Files Origins: Devil’s Advocate. We…

‘Pitch’ Roundtable: Why FOX Should #RenewPitch

Ever since its pilot, Pitch has been one of our favourite shows here at Fangirlish. For some of us – namely, the sports fans – it’s been a dream come true, combining female empowerment with a critical and accurate look at…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×07 Roundtable: “Heartless”

That was a twist …wasn’t it? Maybe I’d been lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe I was just too used to the Evil Queen never getting what she wanted. Either way, Once Upon A Time, six seasons in,…

Timeless Recap: “The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”

History has always been something that I am fascinated with – and that’s part of why my love for Timeless runs so deep. Some of the biggest moments played out on TV and though we know that they affected life…

Arrow 5×01 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Legacy’

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora, and Sarah discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In the season five premiere of Arrow, the series went back to…

Totally Drunk Movie Reviews: How to Be Single

Let’s be honest – the fact that there needs to be a movie to teach you How to be Single is some seriously fucked up shit. If you don’t know how to be alone you’ve got more issues than this…

6 Intense Moments from The 100: “Perverse Instantiation Part One”

If the penultimate episode “Perverse Instantiation Part One” taught us anything, it’s that MORE pain can always inflicted on The 100. No matter what our delinquents did, A.L.I.E. was one step ahead of them. And just when they thought they had a chance she…

‘The 100’ 3×12 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Demons’

Every week, Fangirlish writers (and sometimes guests) sit down to discuss new episodes of The 100. We share our thoughts, feelings, and speculations on everything and anything in what we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode…