Gone But Not Forgotten: Can A TV Show Survive Without Their Main Character?

It’s a story we know all too well. A television show is a few seasons in, characters and relationships have been deeply developed, and then, all of a sudden, the main character disappears from our screens. Whether it’s for creative…

‘Avengers: Endgame’ Review: A Fitting End?

It’s hard to articulate the good and the parts of Avengers: Endgame without going into spoiler territory, but for all of you, I will try my very best. I apologize if my very best is a rambly mess of feelings,…

‘Cloak and Dagger’ 2×05 Review: “Alignment Chart”

Wow, Cloak and Dagger. Wow. You’re not kidding around this season, are you? Because that ending was both amazing and heartbreaking. You came straight for our heart and left us devastated. Thank God this isn’t the season finale or anything close…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×19 Review: Half Decent “Snow Pack”

This week’s episode of The Flash, titled “Snow Pack,” is all about family. If you missed that, you might want to go to the doctor because they were about as subtle about that fact as they are in mafia movies.…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 80: Our Fan Theories for ‘Avengers: Endgame’

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can…

‘The Village’ Is A Show That You Should Be Watching

There are so many shows on television that wading through the ones that are there and finding ones that you love, well… that is something to treasure. Time is a pressure commodity that we all don’t have, so choosing how…

The Ship Debate: The Hunger Games Edition

To ship or not to ship. That’s a debate we’ve had for many years, about many shows, many couples. And even though we here at Fangirlish agree on many things, we don’t agree on everything, and one of the things…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 1×13 Review: ‘Recovering the Satellites’

Dear The CW, I know we’ve had our ups and downs over the years. Where I’ve raved about your shows with beautiful words and then been pretty harsh when they weren’t up to par. It’s nothing personal. It’s just business.…

‘Shadowhunters’ 3×19 Review: ‘Aku Cinta Kamu’

It’s the second-to-last episode of the season, I am still so confused about so many things, and I have no idea how this show is going to wrap things up in one episode. Let’s discuss season three episode nineteen, Aku…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 4×12 Review: “The Eggplant, The Witch and The Wardrobe”

Ava and Sara’s relationship goes through their biggest test – Purgatory- as the Legends deal with Neron in “The Eggplant, The Witch and The Wardrobe.”For the last few episodes of Legends of Tomorrow, Ava has been MIA with no explanation…

Queerly Not Straight: We Need to Talk About #Avalance, Again

In thIn an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome…

‘Supergirl’ 4×18 Review: ‘Crime and Punishment’

Everyone has a weakness. That one thing that can affect you like nothing else. And it tends to stem from an emotional place. In Supergirl’s latest episode, “Crime and Punishment,” there was a focus on these characters’ Kryptonites — the…

‘The Blacklist’ 6×17 Review: “The Third Estate”

In The Blacklist‘s “The Third Estate” the Task Force took on a group of criminals going after the children of America’s richest families, but there was a bit of a plot twist. The children of these families weren’t actually being…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×01 Roundtable: “Winterfell”

Winter is here at last. At least, the metaphorical winter, aka the last season of Game of Thrones, and, of course, with it being the final season, we couldn’t stop at a weekly review, because there’s just so much to…

‘Blindspot’ 4×19 Review: “Everybody hates Kathy”

We’re here again, Blindspotters! After a slow week, the show has given us an episode like those of yesteryear. In “Everybody hates Kathy” the good rhythm returns, as well as the tattoos, the mysteries and the emotional conflicts. In short,…

8 Favorite Moments from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s “The Bimbo”

John P. Fleenor/NBC Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s “The Bimbo” gave us some of the best Captain Holt moments in the entirety of this show. From the secret handshakes to his confession about thinking he wasn’t good enough for Kevin, we saw sides…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’: 2 Moments We’re Still Talking About From “Creep”

We’ve given up. We’re never going to go an episode of Roswell, New Mexico without ending up a puddle of feels, and frankly, we don’t want to. We’re here for all of it, for the love and the hate and…

Movie Review: ‘After’

After, one of the most anticipated romance films of 2019, is now out in theaters.  I had the opportunity to attend a screening that Wednesday (4/10/19) and then I went again Tuesday night (4/16/19), because once was not enough.  Now…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 4×11 Review: ‘Seance and Sensibility’

Love and friendship are two of the strongest emotions in the universe. Through the years we have seen the Legends all engaged in these emotions, in one way or another. Sometimes it ends well, and other times it ends badly.…

‘Shadowhunters’ 3×18 Review: ‘The Beast Within’

It’s mid April and only a few weeks before the series finale, which apparently makes it the perfect time for a special Halloween episode. Gotta love Shadowhunters logic. Endarkened, maybe? Source After last episode’s successful mission to retrieve the Heavenly…

‘The Blacklist’ 6×16 Review: ‘Lady Luck’

When Red gets betrayed by someone close to him he reacts violently, and unfortunately Smokey Putnam was on the receiving end of his wrath. Smokey, played by Michael Aronov, has been one of the best recurring side characters on The…