‘Legacies’ 1×16 Review: It’s Hero Time

We have finally made it to the season finale of the first season of Legacies. It was tense and jam-picked with twists and turns. I laughed until I cried and cried a little more than I’d care to admit. I…

‘Shadowhunters’ 3×17 Review: ‘Heavenly Fire’

Shadowhunters seems to be making up for all those pointless filler episodes at the start of the season by cramming lots of stuff into this one. I enjoyed a lot of it, and it made me feel things at times,…

‘The Bold Type’ 3×01 Review: ‘The New Normal’

It’s felt like forever since we last saw our favorite ladies of The Bold Type kicking ass and taking names like the boss girls they are. And after a season finale where there some pretty monumental decisions, there’s a new…

‘The Bold Type’ Season 3 Premiere Advance Review

It feels good to write about things you love. It’s good for your writing. It’s good for your soul. And it’s something that I’ve found myself missing lately. When shows that I used to love have lost their way and…

‘Cloak & Dagger’ 2×01/2×02 Review: ‘Restless Energy’/‘White Lines’

My heart is full again. And that’s because Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger has finally returned after a phenomenal freshman season that reminded us exactly what superhero television shows are supposed to look like. Where this show is so much more…

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Review: Winter is Coming…with Fire and Blood

Here we are. Winter has come and with it, Fire and Blood. We have finally reached season 7 of Game of Thrones. This has probably been my one of my favorite seasons so far. We have really moved a long…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 4×09 Review: ‘Lucha De Apuestas”

FINALLY OUR SHOW IS BACK!!! After what feels like ages, Legends of Tomorrow delivered the usual wildness we’ve come to expect from the outcast of the Arrowverse. However, we didn’t expect to have our hearts break into multiple pieces due…

Just Because I’m Latina Doesn’t Mean I’m “Spicy”

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘Shadowhunters’ 3×16 Review: ‘Stay With Me’

We’re more than halfway through the final half season of Shadowhunters and finally, finally, the main plot seems to be going somewhere. Is it going where I want it to? I’m not sure. Big changes are being made, seemingly just for the…

‘Cloak & Dagger’ Season 2 Premiere Advance Review

The fear sometimes with a great show like Cloak & Dagger is an eventual decline. When you have a season as good as Cloak & Dagger freshman season, you almost wonder how they could possibly top that the second go-around.…

PTSD on TV: Calling BS on the Broken Soldier Trope

In real life, traumatic events blow up our lives, twist them inside out, and light them on fire. Traumatic moments are so horrifying and destructive that our bodies will often erase our memory of it or disassociate and let us…

‘American Gods’ 2×04 Review: “The Greatest Story Ever Told”

911? Yes, I’d like to report a crime. Bilquis, Mr. Nancy, and Mr. Ibis have stolen the show on American Gods and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same! *listens to operator* Of course this is serious and important…

‘The 100’ Season 6: 5 Things We Learned From The New Trailer

It is a good week to be a fan of The 100. Not only did we get the first poster for the upcoming season on Wednesday, but the long-awaited trailer was finally released. And, wow, was it worth it. The…

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Review: The King in the North

We have finally arrived at the season 6 review of Game of Thrones! It’s been a very good season, in my opinion. It’s hard to say the best, but maybe? This season has been full of death, betrayal, revenge, reunions,…

‘Whiskey Cavalier’ 1×05 Review: You and Me, We Save The World

What even is this show? I’m sitting here thinking about it, and I still have trouble making sense of it. Maybe it’s because TV has set me up with unrealistic expectations for everything, from body image to the pacing of…

‘Legacies’ 1×15 Review: The Story of the Mud Robot

The penultimate episode of the first season of Legacies did not hold back. We finally got some answers to our burning questions. Of course, we were left with some new questions too. For example, how can they stop the Merge…

Queerly Not Straight: Friendly Reminder that ‘Roswell, New Mexico’s Michael Guerin is Bisexual

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘Shadowhunters’ 3×15 Review: ‘To the Night Children’

Another week, another Shadowhunters episode with little to no direction or connection to the overall arc of the season. Did anything really happen in this episode? Not really. Could you have skipped it without missing anything? Probably. Did I expect anything…

Millie Bobbie Brown Tapped For The Lead In ‘The Thing About Jellyfish’

When a book is being made into a movie, there is a part of me that is always scared. I am always scared of people screwing it up. I am always scared of bad casting. I am always terrified that…

Breaking Down ‘The 100’ Relationships and How Season 6 Will Shake It Up

For five years, The 100 has shown us fascinating characters, gripping story-lines, and some of the most intriguing relationships on television. It is hard to imagine that the same characters we saw crash on earth years ago are the same…

‘Supergirl’ 4×16 Review: ‘The House of L’

Whatever has happened with Supergirl over these past two weeks has been truly a godsend and has found a way to spark a fire underneath this show. Obviously that spark has been the addition of Lex Luthor, who has showed…