‘Fear Street Part Three: 1666’ Review: At Least This Trilogy is Finally Over

Fear Street Part Three: 1666 marks the end of this trilogy and I’ve never been more grateful for something to finish.

‘Gunpowder Milkshake’ Review: This Movie Was Great and I’ll Die on This Hill

Netflix’s Gunpowder Milkshake was fun, action-packed, and the kind of movie that women deserve to get! Read our review!

#WayBackWednesday – The Fast and the Furious (2001)

I’ll admit it; I have always been a bit reluctant to watch The Fast and the Furious and its seemingly infinite number of sequels. Fast cars, drag racing, shootouts? Not really how I want to spend my summer vacation. I…

A-Z Movie Reviews: ‘Swimfan’

Growing up we had no shortage of campy films. Swimfan starring Jesse Bradford, Erika Christensen, and Shiri Appelby is one of the campiest.

‘Fear Street Part Two: 1978’ Review: Somehow More Boring Than the First Installment

I love scary movies. Always have, always will. But Fear Street Part Two: 1978 was more boring than the first installment in this trilogy. And why did I watch and waste 110 minutes? For curiosities sake. Surely, the second one…

#WayBackWednesday – The Shadow (1994)

“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Those are words that thrilled me and filled me with delight as a kid. I’ve always been fascinated by old-time radio, especially mystery thrillers and superhero stories.…

‘Motherland: Fort Salem’ 2×03 Review: “A Tiffany”

Motherland: Fort Salem’s “A Tiffany” sets the stage for the future of Tally, Raelle, and Abigail with a dash of Scylla and Anacostia.

A-Z Movie Reviews: ‘Stay Alive’

Over the years video game play has gotten more immersive. For this installment of A-Z Movie Reviews, we’ll talk about the film Stay Alive.

‘The Tomorrow War’ Movie Review: The Best Part Was Yvonne Strahovski

Need a reason to watch Amazon Prime’s The Tomorrow War? Look no further than Yvonne Strahovski! Read our review!

‘Fear Street Part One: 1994’ Movie Review: It Was Boring But at Least It Was Queer

Fear Street Part One: 1994 was a boring mess that kept me locked on the screen because of the promise of queer goodness. Read our review!

#WayBackWednesday – My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997)

The first time I watched My Best Friend’s Wedding, I was having a sleepover at my high school best friend’s house. I remember enjoying the movie, but I mostly remember laughing and having a blast with my best friend. Because…

‘Leverage: Redemption’ 1×01 Advanced Review: “The Too Many Rembrandts Job”

Leverage: Redemption is getting closer! We’re going to have fun together with goodies about episode 1×01 “The Too Many Rembrandts Job”.

A-Z Movie Reviews: ‘Slums of Beverly Hills’

Welcome to A-Z Movie Reviews.  Every Sunday, for the next several months, I will be posting a review of a film in my home movie collection.  How it works is, I will be reviewing movies in alphabetical order until I…

#WayBackWednesday – Clueless (1995)

Clueless was one of the most ubiquitous movies of my middle school days. “As if!” and “Whatever!” echoed through the hallways at school and were shouted on the school bus. A Clueless spin-off series followed in 1996 and ran in…

‘His Dark Materials’ Begins Production on Third and Final Season

His Dark Materials has started production on the third and final season, and we’re both happy and sad that the journey is coming to an end.

‘Werewolves Within’ Movie Review: If ‘Knives Out’ Had a Horror-Comedy Baby

Werewolves Within is what would’ve happened if Knives Out had a horror-comedy baby and we love it! Read on for our review!

A-Z Movie Reviews: “Sleepy Hollow”

Welcome to A-Z Movie Reviews.  Every Sunday, for the next several months, I will be posting a review of a film in my home movie collection.  How it works is, I will be reviewing movies in alphabetical order until I…

‘Luca’ Movie Review: An Adventure Grounded in Friendship, Forgiveness, and Facing Your Fears

Luca pulled at my heartstrings and ended up being a story about friendship, forgiveness, and facing your fears! Read our movie review!

‘Skater Girl’ Netflix Movie Review: “Hope”

Skater Girl is that kind of story that you can’t watch without smiling through your tears. it‘s female empowerment and hope history.

#WayBackWednesday – The Craft (1996)

The Craft is a movie that totally freaked me out as a kid. I watched The Craft for the first time at a friend’s house during a sleepover. It scared me so badly that we didn’t finish it. What can…

Queerly Not Straight: Review of LGBTQ Short Film ‘From A to Q’

From A to Q by Emmalie El Fadli is an LGBTQ short film about friendship and the secrets dreams reveal. Read our review!