I Will Go Down with This Ship: Doctor/Rose Edition

Ships. In entertainment, and especially, in fandom, we live and die by them. Which is why every Friday, we’ll be focusing on a couple, analyzing why we ship them, and overall, just proclaiming our eternal love for those couples that…

A Dunkirk Connection to the Titanic We Never Knew

The Titanic is one of the most iconic and tragic events on the 20th century, in which more than 1500 people perished. Despite lifejackets (almost everyone was wearing one, according to reports), only 700 people survived. There were more than…

From ‘Clexa’ to ‘Olicity’ – 11 Ships That Sank in 2016

Ships. We live by the knowledge that you don’t choose the ship, the ship chooses you. It’s not always an easy road. But when the ship has chosen you – when you have invested all this time and heart into…