'The Flash' 3×21 Review: 'Cause and Effect'

The expression, “Don’t fix what’s not broken” is one that can apply to a lot of things. It can apply to household appliances. It can apply to sports organizations. It can apply to relationships. And it most certainly applies to…

'Supergirl' 2×20 Review: 'City of the Lost Children'

The theme of a hero doesn’t always wear a mask or have superpowers is a theme that has been explored on multiple occasions on Supergirl. And I’m glad that is has been because it’s a message that cannot be conveyed…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×21 Review: ‘Fagin’

When it comes to being a police officer on television, it’s something that can sometimes feel over glamorized. Usually it’s all about being cool. Cool job, cool gun, cool ride, cool shades, and a cool attitude. But the truth is,…

'Supergirl' 2×19 Review: 'Alex'

What would you sacrifice for love? That was the core question at the heart of Supergirl’s thriller of an hour titled “Alex,” which as the name implies centered around the search for the kidnapped Alex Danvers and the two women…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×20 Review: “Grasping for Salvation”

One of the most beautiful aspects of each and every One Chicago series is the essence of family at its core. Family isn’t this singular term used to describe blood relatives. It’s so much more than that. It’s about a…

'The Flash' 3×19 Review: ‘The Once and Future Flash’

Given how every time Barry Allen travels to the past to try and right some wrong and he ends up screwing up immensely, you would think that perhaps traveling to the future to try and prevent a tragedy would have…

'Supergirl' 2×18 Review: 'Ace Reporter'

You don’t realize how much you miss something until it’s gone for four weeks – an entire month! – and are left waiting, wishing, and speculating until its grand return. Supergirl has easily been my favorite DC Comics show on…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×19 Review: “Last Minute Resistance”

On a show like Chicago P.D. where nearly all of its episodes are mind-blowing, there are episodes that really take it to another level. “Last Minute Resistance” was one of those episodes. On the surface this episode appeared to be…

Chicago P.D. 4×18 Review: 'Little Bit Of Light'

Chicago P.D. can do it all. It can deliver thrilling cases that leave your head spinning while also touching your heart, making you laugh, and making you feel like someone is pounding on your heart with a hammer. That was…

The Flash 3×18 Review: 'Abra Kadabra'

While The Flash has certainly been at the top of its game this season with these last few episodes, “Abra Kadabra” felt more like a filler episode at times. But I get it. It was molded to fit the circumstances…

Supergirl 2×17 Review: ‘Distant Sun’

It’s a question we hear often, whether it’s in our daily lives or in a fictional medium. A question that seems all too simple to answer. Because it is. And it isn’t. But at the same time, it’s a concept…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×17 Review: “Remember the Devil”

With an episode title like “Remember the Devil,” was there ever any way that this episode was going to end well? The latest episode of Chicago P.D. delivered a thrilling, disturbing case while also managing to break me emotionally as…

The Flash 3×16 Review: 'Into the Speed Force'

This is the episode of The Flash that I have been waiting for. This was the episode where for the first time in a long while that I felt like the writers were acknowledging that their hero had gone by…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×10 Review: ‘By the Light of Dawn’

I never thought I’d say this, but watching the midseason premiere of Shadowhunters, I actually envied all the show fans who hadn’t read the books. As an episode of a TV Show, By the Light of Dawn was epic. It…

Supergirl 2×15 Review: 'Exodus'

Television, like the various arts, is a form of expression. It’s a way to express our feelings, our views, and our beliefs. And no DC Comics show – or most shows for that matter – have managed to use their…

The Flash 3×14 Review: 'Attack on Central City'

There have been two sides to The Flash this season. The first side has been the one that has showed great promise and emotional depth that has reminded me of the reason why I fell in love with The Flash…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×09 Review: ‘Bound by Blood’

I’m not ready to give up on Shadowhunters. I probably never will, to be honest. I mean, I sat through all of season 1 and did not for one second lose hope that it would one day blossom into a…

Supergirl 2×14 Review: 'Homecoming'

When it comes to television superhero shows are my kryptonite. Even when I feel angry and utterly distraught (Arrow, not Supergirl), I still end up coming back for more expecting some semblance of redemption. I guess that mindset stems from…

Powerless 1×04 Review: 'Emily Dates a Henchman'

The thing that is so frustrating about Powerless is that when I watch it I’m reminded of the potential it had with its original pilot. The original direction and tone of the show presented Powerless as this comedy with substance.…

Chicago P.D. 4×15 Review: ‘Favor, Affection, Malice or Ill-Will’

When it comes to violence and murder, it’s very easy for good people to find themselves on the wrong side of the law. That’s where we found one father in Chicago P.D.’s latest hour as he solicited a murder of…

The Flash 3×13 Review: 'Attack on Gorilla City'

While I come to these DC Comics shows for the characters that give me a reason for watching, that doesn’t mean that I can’t just appreciate a good ol’ fashioned comic book storyline that brings Flash lore to life. We’re…