The Flash 3×13 Review: 'Attack on Gorilla City'

While I come to these DC Comics shows for the characters that give me a reason for watching, that doesn’t mean that I can’t just appreciate a good ol’ fashioned comic book storyline that brings Flash lore to life. We’re…

Supergirl 2×13 Review: ‘Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk’

Love was front and center in this week’s Supergirl, where Kara found herself the object of a crazy man’s affections and dealing with her new romance with Mon-El while Alex and Maggie conquered their first fight together. While Supergirl has…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×14 Review: “Seven Indictments”

The thing that we all know about Chicago P.D. is that just we think we know what’s happening the script is turned on us. We start to see the pieces fall into place as a web of lies is unveiled…

Timeless 1×15 Review: 'Public Enemy No. 1'

There are not enough words in the English language to do justice to the masterpiece that is Timeless. Every week this show transports us through time, puts us through emotional hell, and leaves us feeling motivated to fight for what…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×07 Review: ‘How Are Thou Fallen’

Slowly but surely, Shadowhunters seems to be finding its stride. In this second season, the cinematography has been good, the acting has gotten much better, the script has improved considerably since the premiere, and the plot isn’t totally dumb anymore.…

Supergirl 2×12 Review: 'Luthors'

You would think that I would get tired of reiterating myself week after week. Raving about just how spectacular Supergirl has been this season. How it’s been far and away, in my opinion, the best and most consistent of the…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×13 Review: “I Remember Her Now”

One thing that I’ve learned watching Chicago P.D. is that its fresh storytelling leaves no room for easy answers. Every episode has its own unique case and feel that always feels more intense than your typical procedural. It’s the Chicago…

The Flash 3×12 Review: 'Untouchable'

When it comes to superhero television shows, particularly DC television, these series are at their best when they let the characters drive the plot. Sometimes it’s really easy to get lost in said plot due to the epicness of the…

Supergirl 2×11 Review: ‘The Martian Chronicles’

Immediately following Supergirl’s latest hour I said to myself: “Damn, that was a good episode.” Because it really was. At this point it’s not even surprising how Supergirl manages to so flawlessly weave together beautiful emotion stories within the high…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×05 Review: ‘Dust and Shadows’

Shadowhunters is at its best when it focuses on its characters, and Dust and Shadows demonstrated that. The character moments were amazing: Jace and Clary’s chemistry continues to be amazing, Alec just about stole every scene he was in, and…

Timeless 1×13 Review: 'Karma Chameleon'

Can we all just take a deep collective breath and try to find a balance following what could only be described as an emotional episode of Timeless that went all kinds of wrong for Wyatt. I think we all need…

Supergirl 2×10 Review: 'We Can Be Heroes'

Supergirl has a reputation for being the light-hearted show of DC television. But in “We Can Be Heroes,” Supergirl embraced its inner angst to deliver perhaps the darkest episode of the season in a manner that didn’t feel too dark…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×09 Review: 'Raiders of the Lost Art'

As Legends of Tomorrow time jumps to Tuesdays, the mid-season premiere made it damn clear that the first half surge of Legends is something that’s no aberration. This show has established itself as one of the more solid DC Comics…

The Flash 3×10 Review: 'Borrowing Problems from the Future'

While The Flash had been a letdown for me early on in this current third season, the season finale was a game changer in every sense of the word. It was a game changer plot wise, as well as hype…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×04 Review: ‘Day of Wrath’

I went into episode four, Day of Wrath, with more hope than I’ve had about Shadowhunters in a very long time. This was the first episode with the new show-runners, who I’d heard pretty good things about. I wasn’t expecting…

Supergirl 2×09 Review: 'Supergirl Lives'

Supergirl has easily been the best of the DC Comics shows on television this season, and it’s obvious why. The sophomore CBS transfer has embraced the very best that the show has to represent, while also introducing additional elements that…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×12 Review: “Sanctuary”

If there’s one thing you can expect from Chicago P.D. it’s that its storylines are much more than they appear to be. When you think you’ve got it all figured out, you soon learn that you weren’t even close. The…

Timeless 1×11 Review: ‘The World’s Columbian Exposition’

What we wouldn’t have given a month ago to have access to the Time Ship in order to travel forward a month and get our beloved Timeless back. There’s been a serious piece of my heart missing with Timeless on…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×03 Review: ‘Parabatai Lost’

Remember episode three of the first season? I’m not trying to bring up bad memories, I promise. I know nobody could ever forget the total shitshow that was 1×03, or the controversy and drama that arose from it. The point…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×11 Review: “You Wish”

It’s no secret that Chicago P.D. has been one of those shows that can push the envelope. There are just come cases that are that insane. There are just some revelations that are too crazy to not contemplate to the…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×02 Review: ‘A Door Into the Dark’

Is it too early to say I’m optimistic? It’s no secret that I was not a big fan of Shadowhunters season 1, aside from a select few storylines. And though the season two premiere showed a lot of promise, that…