Once Upon A Time’s Problem with Consent

Consent: the voluntary agreement of the complainant to engage in the sexual activity in question. Conduct short of a voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity does not constitute consent as a matter of law. This has been on my mind for a long…

‘The Crown’ Season 2 Trailer Has Us Begging For It To Be December

December can’t get here fast enough. Why? Because the second season of The Crown premieres and I can’t wait to see what happens, because judging by the Season 2 trailer, it’s going to be phenomenal. The press release says that…

‘Outlander’ 3×08 Review: “First Wife”

Have you ever had your heart hurt so much during an episode of TV? “Heartache” is our one word review for this latest episode of Outlander. After a fire at the print shop in Edinburgh, Jamie and Claire head back to…

‘Riverdale’ Star KJ Apa Talks About His September Car Accident

We all work. Some days are short days. Some days are long days. Every job is different and to be honest with you, we wouldn’t want the work hours of someone on a TV show or a movie. The hours…

‘Riverdale’ Star KJ Apa Talks Shipping Wars

Shipping wars. Lord, they are a bitch. People are vicious over who they want together. Now, don’t get me wrong, I can accept that. One of the most vicious fandom shipping wars goes on in the Riverdale fandom. Who does…

The ’25 Days of Christmas’ Are Coming!

It’s not even Thanksgiving, so saying the word CHRISTMAS feels a little dirty. It’s too early for this. We’re supposed to have more time. Seriously, where did 2017 go? But even with that being said, we’re excited that Freeform has…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×06 Review: ‘The Travel Agency’

Last night’s new episode of The Blacklist, “The Travel Agency” held steady with the blacklister-centric theme, focusing on a defunct crime ring of for-hire murderers. The blacklister was a former member of this crime ring, but after a job gone…

Katherine McNamara Releasing New Song For Charity

Shadowhunters fans, Katherine McNamara is releasing another single. The actress, who stars as Clary Fray, started out in musical theater, so should be surprised that she sings? Nope. The actress is releasing a song all about empowerment, entitled, Glass Slipper,…

‘Famous in Love’ Adds Romeo Miller To The Cast

You know that we love us some Famous in Love. After a phenomenal first season, we’re anxiously awaiting season two, which just had it’s first table read. Do we know what is going to happen in season 2? No. We’ve…

‘Outlander’ 3×07 Review: Crème de Menthe

Yes, I’m still reeling from “A. Malcolm.” Yes, I have watched the episode probably fifty times. Alright, now that we’ve cleared up where I stand, how are you guys doing? Have you managed to lift yourself out of the print…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×05 Review: ‘Ilyas Surkov’

Last night’s new episode, “Ilyas Surkov’ was another enjoyable installment, potentially setting up some big revelations for the rest of the season. The promotion for “the death of one of our own” in “Ilyas Surkov” was a misdirection, as most…

Team-Ups We’d Love to See on DCTV

The shared DCTV universe can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, the shared universe allows for massive plot holes. For example, dramatic cliffhangers lose some impact when the easy solution is to call in the…

‘Outlander’ 3×06 Review: “A. Malcolm”

I’m writing this from beyond the grave because yes, like most of you predicted, Outlander‘s Print Shop episode killed me. The 20 year reunion between Jamie and Claire was everything I could’ve hoped for as a book reader, as a TV…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×04 Review: ‘The Endling’

Last night’s new episode of The Blacklist “The Endling” was probably the most disturbing installment of the fifth season yet. It opened with the completely unnecessary and cruel murder of a race horse and his trainer in a barn fire.…

‘SKAM’ Is Coming To Facebook & We’re Excited

We’re addicted to SKAM and if you haven’t watched it – you are missing out. Sure, the show is not in english, it’s Scandinavian and their marketing is absolutely amazing. You may remember that Simon Fuller’s XIX Entertainment has optioned…

KJ Apa Apparently Likes Numbers… (We Don’t)

When I was a kid, I wanted to be President or a Ballerina. I mean more than anything, I wanted to be a writer, because writing is life for me. But numbers? Anything to do with numbers? Please no. That’s…

Sarah Shepard Gives Hints How Will Ali and Mona Fit Into ‘The Perfectionists’

We miss us some Pretty Little Liars, but understand why it is that it needed to come to an end. Everything does. But hey, that’s part of life. But we’ve been wondering, since The Perfectionists is in development, how is…

There Is A New Book of Shadowhunter Short Stories Coming

You know that we are huge fans of Cassie Clare. We don’t hide it, we’re proud of it. She’s an amazing writer and we’re obsessed with the Shadowhunter world. Luckily for us, there is another book of short stories coming.…

‘Once Upon A Time’: Is This a Fitting End for Emma?

Once Upon A Time bid farewell to Emma Swan in last night’s episode, a Hook-centric hour titled “A Pirate’s Life.” The show runners had promised a happy ending for our former leading lady, and fans had been eagerly anticipating what…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×03 Review: ‘Miss Rebecca Thrall’

Have The Blacklist writers finally listened to fans and returned to the old style of the show that focuses on everyone in the task force and a new blacklister every week? It seems like they might have, as “Miss Rebecca…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 39: Toxic Masculinity on TV

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…