Legends of Tomorrow 3×14 Review: “Amazing Grace”

As I was watching “Amazing Grace,” even with the ghosts, the Elvis Presley and the debut of the last totem “Death” – a thought kept racing through my mind. If it walks like a filler episode, talks like a filler…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 3×13 Review: “No Country for Old Dads”

It’s funny that in a episode with a trip to the 60’s, a new Legend, a returning Legend,  a really terrible wig and meditation visitations, the relationship between a father and daughter is the main focus of “No Country for…

A Letter from Wally West A.K.A. Kid Flash

Dear Flarrowverse Fans, Wally West here. If you guys haven’t heard the news, I’m gonna be leaving Central City for a while, and I honestly don’t know when I’ll be back. I’ve often heard that every hero has his/her own…

The Flash SDCC 2016 Interview: Keiynan Lonsdale

When Wally West was introduced last season on The Flash, the potential and possibility was already running through our minds as we anticipated how Wally’s journey would lead him to become his destined comic book counterpart Kid Flash. Granted we…