The Walking Dead 7×07 Review: Sing Me a Song Called the End of Negan

Alexandria is finally done with Negan’s shit in The Walking Dead’s “Sing Me a Song.” Michonne, Rosita, Eugene, Spencer, and even Carl, are shaking things up and making waves in an effort to kill the man who murdered Glenn and…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×07 Review: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes

DC Week came to a satisfying conclusion with Legends of Tomorrow where our heroes from Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, and Legends banded together to save the world and prove that they are Earth’s mightiest heroes. Legends of Tomorrow’s “Invasion!” hour focused…

The Flash 3×08 Review: I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Aliens? ALIENS? You’d think that the premise that a species of aliens known as The Dominators coming to take over Earth would make this latest Arrowverse crossover ludicrous. But surprisingly ludicrous works especially when you have a group of heroes…

Arrow 5×07 Review: Countless Steps Back

You know the saying, “One step forward and two steps back?” I mean, how could I forget now that Arrow has shoved this useless reporter in my face and has her doling out advice. Cause that’s believable. Anyway, Arrow season…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×07 “Heartless” Review: When You Believe

There can be miracles when you believe. And yes, I just sang that at the top of my lungs. I’m a Disney girl, through and through. But hey, it fits. Belief is a very important thing. In fact, you could…

Arrow 5×04 Review: Accepting Guilt is Easy, Forgiveness is Harder

When it comes to the crushing weight of guilt, our favorite Arrow characters are no strangers to it. In five years, we’ve witnessed not only Oliver Queen but John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen, and more be confronted with impossible…

Arrow 5×03 Review: Trust Your Team

Trust is the key fundamental in any successful relationship. Without trust, what do you have? What can you accomplish? What is at stake? In “A Matter of Trust,” Oliver Queen had to confront this issue of trust in terms of…

Timeless 1×03 Review: The Right Side?

In just three episodes, NBC’s Timeless has managed to capture my heart and mind as it weaves a character-driven time travel story that delivers twist after twist each week. Every week is essentially a new mini movie where audiences are…

Fear the Walking Dead 2×13 Review: Date of Death

Madison dishes out some hard truths, Chris loses his mind, and Travis joins the gang in Fear the Walking Dead’s penultimate episode titled “Date of Death.” With the final stretch ahead of us, the degrees of separation between Travis, Chris,…

Once Upon A Time: War is coming to Storybrooke

“What if your favorite storybook characters … went to war?” the new Once Upon A Time season 6 trailer asks, and we can’t wait to know the answer. Even if we’re pretty sure it won’t exactly be rainbows and happy…

Spotlight on: Once Upon A Captain Swan Podcast

The summer hiatus is hard and cruel, especially for ardent fans of TV.  We strive to find other ways to entertain ourselves, to get our fix. And, if you’re a Once Upon A Time fan, and more specifically, a Captain…

Shadowhunters: Our 12 Hopes for Season 2

As avid fans of Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments, we’ve been missing the lovable cast of Freeform’s Shadowhunters following its first season finale. Luckily Freeform saw potential in the show and answered fans’ desires to bring Shadowhunters back for a…

Luke Cage SDCC 2016 Interview: Mike Colter & Cheo Hodari Coker

The character of Luke Cage certainly is no stranger to the Marvel Television audience. Mike Colter made his debut as the imposing yet gentle Cage on Jessica Jones where the audience got just a taste of who this character is.…

Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Review: A Bumpy Freshman Season Full of Promise

With a crop of superhero shows popping up throughout the major networks, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow looked to forge its own unique path as it brought together heroes and villains for the ultimate super team-up. Legends relied heavily on its…

Chicken Little Found A Fandom And Bumped His Head

Here is the article I’m about to dissect: Fandom is Broken A proper summation of the article in question can be defined in one word – no. But since I have you here, let’s break down why everything he said…

Game of Thrones 6×05 Roundtable “The Door”

The most famous of the memes I saw going around after last week’s episode said, “Not all heroes hold weapons, some just hold the door” – and, oh, Hodor. How will we miss you. Join us as we discuss this…

‘The Flash’ 2×22 Roundtable: “Invincible”

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of The Flash and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down the penultimate…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 1×14 Roundtable: ‘River of Time’

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down…

‘The Flash’ 2×18 Roundtable: Discussing “Versus Zoom”

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of The Flash and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 18…

‘The Flash’ 2×18 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Versus Zoom’

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of The Flash and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 18…

My Fandom: ‘Once Upon A Time’ (around the world)

Fandom is a funny place. It’s also a wonderful place, a scary place, a life-changing one. Anyone who hasn’t experienced the sense of community, the belonging, will never be able to understand what it means to share something you love…