The Curious Case of Seth Rogen Being Hot As Hell in ‘Like, Father’

I, a Latinx queer woman, of sound mind and body, have a confession to make. It’s something dark and lustful, something I never expected would happen after Knocked Up & Pineapple Express. I, have the hots for Seth Rogen. Look,…

‘Sierra Burgess Is A Loser’ Exclusive Interview: Kristine Froseth Previews Important Message of Self-Empowerment in New Netflix Rom-Com

When it comes to movies that are as important as they are entertaining and heartwarming and just plain swoon-worthy, no one is doing it better than Netflix. Just three weeks after its uber hit To All The Boys I’ve Loved…

‘Spill Zone: The Broken Vow’ by Scott Westerfeld is an Otherworldly Masterpiece

I’m trying not to be cheesy. I’m trying not to throw out words and phrases like horrifyingly beautiful or a haunting masterpiece. You know, the basics and what every book review is like. But that’s what Scott Westerfeld’s Spill Zone:…

Amazon’s ‘Jack Ryan’ is Bo-bo-bo-boooring

When Alyssa and I walked into Ballroom 20 for a screening of Amazon’s Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan during San Diego Comic Con, we had no expectations. No, really, we didn’t. We just walked in early because we wanted to make sure…

Queerly Not Straight: 12 LGBT Comics You Should Check Out in 20GayTeen

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community. Welcome to Queerly Not Straight! Enjoy and leave a comment below if…

‘Passage’ Is Going to Blow You Away

Here at Fangirlish we try our best to highlight diverse, smart content, with admittedly mixed results. We can’t watch everything and sometimes, we miss on the good things, have to catch up later or hear about it from screaming Twitter…

‘Take Two’ is Castle 2.0, but With People Who Like Each Other

Yes, I said what I said. I said what you knew. I said what I, as a Castle fan, didn’t really want to admit. Look, I’ll be the first one to defend Castle first few seasons. It was always a…

‘Timeless’ 2×07 Roundtable: “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes” Part 2

Yes, we’re back again, because, as always, we just had way too many feels for one roundtable post. But hey, that’s the beauty of Timeless. May it never become the kind of show that doesn’t give us feels. The End.…

‘Timeless’ 2×06 Roundtable: “The King of the Delta Blues”

Here we are again, Timeless fans, ready to discuss the good, the bad, the music and the Lyatt of the latest episode of our favorite show. This week we had a chance to see Connor Mason shine, and let’s just…

‘ASOUE’s Interview w/ Costume Designer Cynthia Summers on Season 2

A successful movie or tv show is a combination of components. You need the right director, the right actors, the right music, and surprisingly enough for some people, you need the right costume designer to bring everyone’s vision to life.…

‘Supernatural’ Season 12 Review: Getting Back to Basics Was the Right Move

Two brothers. An Impala. And a bucket load of family angst as they battle demons, angels, and a whole slew of creatures. This is Supernatural. Along the way we’ve had some additions to this duo, people that we’ve fallen in love with…

‘The X Files’: Why Every Show Needs a Diverse Writers Room

The X-Files has never been a truly diverse show — in front or behind the cameras. And yet, it felt like this was the time, like we’ve finally gotten to a point where that could change, where our favorite show…

My Giant, Emotional Farewell Letter to ‘Pretty Little Liars’

On June 8, 2010, I sat on my couch in my living room waiting for a new show to begin on ABC Family. In the early days of Twitter, I became enthralled with the concept of a show reaching out…

Arrow 5×07 Roundtable: The Season So Far

This season of Arrow has been a whirlwind to say the least. A whirlwind as in a horrific storm that has terrorized our television experience or a terrible alien-induced nightmare that reigns supreme. Kind of like what awaits Oliver Queen…

Game of Thrones 6×09 Roundtable ‘Battle of the Bastards’

So, the battle of the bastards happened. And it was nerve-wracking and anxiety inducing and altogether one of the best episodes of television we have seen in a very long time. And we’re here to break it down for you…

‘The 100’ 3×15 Roundtable: Perverse Instantiation Part One

Every week, Fangirlish writers (and sometimes guests) sit down to discuss new episodes of The 100. We share our thoughts, feelings, and speculations on everything and anything in what we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down The 100 penultimate…