‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 108: ‘Love and Monsters’ Review

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can feel…

#WayBackWednesday – Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)

Planes, Trains & Automobiles is the quintessential Thanksgiving movie. To be totally fair, there just aren’t that many Thanksgiving movies, but aside from A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, there’s probably no other Thanksgiving film more beloved than Planes, Trains & Automobiles.…

‘His Dark Materials’: Moira Rose Would Kill for This Mrs. Coulter Outfit

His Dark Materials Mrs. Coulter is the bad guy. Well, bad girl. No, wait. Bad woman. She’s evil, conniving, treacherous, and the worst of the worst. But for some reason, we can’t keep our eyes off of her. Part of…

Fangirlish Countdown to Christmas: “The Holiday”

On today’s Countdown to Christmas review, we’re looking at one of those modern classics everyone loves: The Holiday.

Queerly Not Straight: ‘Happiest Season’ Spoiler-Free Review

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting interviews, opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome…

‘His Dark Materials’ 2×02 Review: “The Cave”

His Dark Materials continues season 2 with “The Cave” and the plot thickens.

Fangirlish Countdown To Christmas: ‘Die Hard’

Christmas is coming up, and here at Fangirlish we are counting down by reviewing our favorite Christmas movies. It’s the turn of Die Hard, an iconic movie from our childhood that began a successful saga that has accompanied us as we grew up.…

A-Z Movie Reviews: ‘Don Jon’

Welcome to A-Z Movie Reviews.  Every Sunday, for the next several months, I will be posting a review of a film in my home movie collection.  How it works is, I will be reviewing movies in alphabetical order until I…

#WayBackWednesday – You’ve Got Mail (1998)

The words “You’ve got mail!” and common home usage of the internet became ubiquitous in the mid-late 90s. I know that was about the time my family bought our first home computer and got an internet connection. While we never…

‘His Dark Materials’: 10 Life Lessons We Learned from “The City of Magpies”

His Dark Materials “The City of Magpies” saw Lyra and Will joining forces in an effort to figure out what the hell is going on in the new world they’ve just arrived in. And from Lyra being unapologetically herself to…

‘His Dark Materials’ 2×01 Review: “The City of Magpies”

His Dark Materials returns for season 2 with “The City of Magpies” and Will and Lyra finally meet.

A-Z Movie Reviews: ‘Django Unchained’

Welcome to A-Z Movie Reviews.  Every Sunday, for the next several months, I will be posting a review of a film in my home movie collection.  How it works is, I will be reviewing movies in alphabetical order until I…

‘Chick Fight’ Movie Review: “Let’s Hit Like A Girl!”

You enjoyed Chick Fight! It was released yesterday and it’s time for us to take a look at all we think about this movie. You already know that we love it and it’s almost perfect but we’re going to analyze why.…

‘Chick Fight’ Advanced Review: “Sisterhood”

Chick Fight finally premieres on Friday! You know we love this movie and it’s time you started to find out why.  Here’s our spoiler-free review of the film. Put on your pads and let’s hit like a girl! Here we go! The…

#WayBackWednesday – Universal Soldier (1992)

Universal Soldier is a title I remember hearing in the past, but I never really looked into the film before today. I wanted to do a war film in honor of Veterans Day, but I’ll be honest with you, I’m…

5 Reasons to Be Excited about ‘His Dark Materials’ Season 2

His Dark Materials season 2 is coming this weekend, and here are some reasons why you should be excited.

‘Kindred’ Movie Review: A Gaslighting Hot Mess

Kindred tells the story of a pregnant women who suspects that the baby’s relatives have ill intentions when it comes to her and the child she is carrying. After the death of the father she unwillingly moves into the family…

‘The Mandalorian’ 2×02 Review: “The Passenger”

The Mandalorian is back this week with movie spoofs, Baby Yoda antics, and more in “The Passenger.” I know we could all use a break from the world this week. Let’s jump in the Razorcrest and go to a galaxy…

‘Supernatural’ 15×17 Review: “Unity”

Supernatural‘s “Unity” saw Dean being the legit worst as he fell into God’s miserable plan to destroy…well, everything. Destroy the universes, destroy the bonds between brothers, and to destroy each other as a means to make Team Free Will 2.0…

A-Z Movie Reviews: ‘Death Proof’

Welcome to A-Z Movie Reviews.  Every Sunday, for the next several months, I will be posting a review of a film in my home movie collection.  How it works is, I will be reviewing movies in alphabetical order until I…

‘Supernatural’ 15×16 Review: “Drag Me Away (From You)”

Supernatural’s “Drag Me Away (From You)” should’ve been called, “I thought we were past this.” Because Sam is right. I thought we were past lying to each, Dean? Especially when it comes to big things like Jack dying. Because this…