The Walking Dead 7×11 Review: Hostiles and Calamities

The Walking Dead‘s ‘Hostiles and Calamities’ tells the story of two men, one having the best day ever and the other…not so much. And while last week’s episode covered multiple storylines, across various territories, it look’s like we’re back to covering one…

27 Female TV Characters Who Were a Force of Nature in 2016

Being a woman is not easy. Not even in TV-Land. In fact, we could even say “especially” not in TV Land. Everything is, after all, magnified. The characters we see on the screen are us (with stylists and better outfits),…

See What Shows Made Our Top 10 New Shows of 2016

We’ve had a hard time narrowing down our favorite new television shows of 2016. Some of the shows that we have loved for years seemed to have gone down hill, but we’re so glad that we have been able to…

The Crown Episode 2: There’s A New Queen

Elizabeth sure was ready to conquer the royal tour for her father and we applauded her for it. The thing about The Crown is that every single time Claire Foy takes the screen, we can’t help but be entranced and…

The Walking Dead 7×01 Review: The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be

The Walking Dead Season 7 premiere titled “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be” was bold, horrifying, a tour de force by Negan and the rest of the cast. Every single actor was so immersed in what they were…

Arrow 4×22 Review: ‘Lost in the Flood’ [Oh Frack]

What has happened to Arrow lately? And I mean that in the best way possible because these last several episodes have been some of the show’s best in years. As far as penultimate episodes on Arrow go, “Lost in the…

‘Fear the Walking Dead’ 2×05 Review: ‘Captive’

Blood versus bond is explored in Fear The Walking Dead’s ‘Captive.’ Our survivors have been separated against their will and have to tread the waters of their first captive situation! (There should be a punch card for this.) It’s a…

'Arrow' 4×19 Roundtable: 'Canary Cry'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×19 of…

'Supergirl' 1×18 Roundtable: Discussing 'World's Finest' (SupergirlxTheFlash)

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Supergirl and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 18 of…

‘The Walking Dead’ 6×15 Review: ‘East’

Carol’s not going to die. Daryl’s not going to die. Glenn…well he might die. In the penultimate episode of The Walking Dead, titled “East,” we were treated to a small (yes, I said small) dose of panic in preparation for…

‘The Walking Dead’ 6×10 Review: ‘The Next World’

The Walking Dead’s ‘The Next World’ was the breather required to remind Alexandria (and us) of what we have and what’s yet to come. A new ship blossomed and set Twitter and Tumblr on fire, Rick and Daryl bonded during…

‘Arrow’ 4×13 Recap: ‘Sins of the Father’

In an episode with a title like “Sins of the Father,” you knew the daddy issues were coming to light as Felicity dealt with her father’s reemergence in her life and as Thea’s life hung in the balance of her…