Between the Lines: Fandom Ship Wars

Back to that age old moral dilemma of thinking we know better than anyone else what’s good for screens around the world, another characteristic of Tumblr fandom horror is the shipping war. Shipping, if you weren’t aware (who are we…

‘Supergirl’ 3×02 Review: ‘Triggers’

Supergirl never fails me when it comes to delivering an emotional powerhouse of an episode when I least expect it. Given last week’s season premiere and the emotional weight that was so gut wrenching yet so beautiful, I was expecting…

‘Shadowhunters’ Interviews: Todd Slavkin, Darren Swimmer, and Matt Hastings

If you are a fan of Shadowhunters, you know that we have a love/hate relationship with the show. Always hoping for something better, that for once the source material will be understood, that we can expect the show to get…

'The Flash' 3×22 Review: 'Infantino Street'

Remember last week’s episode, “Cause and Effect?” Remember that return to the optimistic, hopeful show that The Flash has established itself as since its inception? Yeah, well, that’s gone. Now it’s back to the intense darkness as Savitar prepares to…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×22 Review: “Army of One”

You know that it’s May Sweeps when an episode of Chicago P.D., which consistently shocks and surprises me every week, has me screaming at my television and cursing and questioning the life decisions of these beautiful and flawed characters. Ah,…

Designated Survivor Made Me Mad This Week. Here’s Why…

Sorry that my Designated Survivor review is late, but quite frankly I needed a second to wrap my head around what happened. I had to turn off the TV, take a step back and then rewatch the episode. Guys, my…

Supergirl 2×15 Review: 'Exodus'

Television, like the various arts, is a form of expression. It’s a way to express our feelings, our views, and our beliefs. And no DC Comics show – or most shows for that matter – have managed to use their…

Arrow 5×13 Roundtable: 'Spectre of the Gun'

Arrow took on the controversial issue of gun violence in its episode titled “Spectre of the Gun,” which found a show that has promoted violence over the past five seasons suddenly preaching gun awareness. Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora,…

Where’s The Rune To Fix A Broken Fandom?

The Mortal Instruments. Shadowhunters. I was once told that the way to write journalistic essays was to keep your emotions out of things. But when you are writing about fandom, the truth is – it’s fueled by emotion. Everything that…

The 15 Celebrities Of 2016 That Keep Us Talking

When you have to narrow down celebrities to a list for the year – you wonder – what are you narrowing them down for? The best? The worst? Well, whether it be good or bad – here’s 15 that kept…

From ‘Clexa’ to ‘Olicity’ – 11 Ships That Sank in 2016

Ships. We live by the knowledge that you don’t choose the ship, the ship chooses you. It’s not always an easy road. But when the ship has chosen you – when you have invested all this time and heart into…

‘Pitch’ 1×05 Review: ‘Alfonzo Guzman-Chavez’

Before the pilot even aired, I predicted that Pitch would be an emotional roller coaster. Because the truth is, sports are really damn emotional. They hurt, even when there isn’t a championship on the line. Seeing one of your favourite…

Legends of Tomorrow: 10 Things We Loved About the Season 2 Premiere

The CW’s crop of DC Comics shows wouldn’t be complete without Legends of Tomorrow, which returned for its second season with a premiere that set the course for a new-look and new-feel show. There was a lot to love about…

Arrow 5×02 Review: Oliver Can't Do This Alone

When it comes to Oliver Queen we all know that he’s not one who’s actively in touch with his emotions. He’ll do anything and everything to obscure them when he feels like they’re compromising him. And he can’t help it,…

Totally Drunk Movie Reviews: How to Be Single

Let’s be honest – the fact that there needs to be a movie to teach you How to be Single is some seriously fucked up shit. If you don’t know how to be alone you’ve got more issues than this…

'Arrow' 4×21 Review: 'Monument Point' [Gone Nuclear]

When it comes to Arrow at its best I always point to the final three episodes of season two. What was basically a three-hour season finale set over the course of a day brought an insane amount of action, emotion,…

'Arrow' 4×19 Review: 'Canary Cry' (aka Honoring the Dead)

While it’s been weeks since Laurel Lance tragically died at the hands of Damien Darhk, it’s only been a moment since we last left Team Arrow gut-wrenched inside the hospital as they grappled with their new reality – one that…

‘Arrow’ 4×17 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Beacon of Hope’

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of Arrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode 4×17 of…

‘Supergirl’ 1×13 Recap: ‘For the Girl Who Has Everything’

What if you could live in your perfect reality? Where you could have the life you always dreamed; a life that perhaps was taken from you or just out of reach? Would you choose to get lost in that dream…

‘Arrow’ 4×10 Review: Darkness vs. Light

Since Arrow‘s inception this show has been about Oliver Queen’s story of redemption as he braved the darkness that we found him with in the series’ first episode to become a hero that lives in the light in present day…

‘Two Scoops Of Italy’ Review: BRB, Booking Our Tickets To Italy Now

Did I want gelato after watching #TwoScoopsOfItaly? No. But I did want to travel to a small town in Italy to find my one true love.