Twitter Voiced My ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ Feelings

If I am being honest, I didn’t really want to like Roswell, New Mexico. Yet, here I am – obsessed with the show and wondering what I have to do in order to have someone tell me that we are…

‘Cloak & Dagger’ 2×04 Review: ‘Rabbit Hold’

As Cloak & Dagger continues to wade through its sophomore season, there are more questions than answers that are being raised. Questions that are being introduced before they become pivotal parts of this season. Who is behind the missing girls?…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’: 2 Moments We’re Still Talking About From “Creep”

We’ve given up. We’re never going to go an episode of Roswell, New Mexico without ending up a puddle of feels, and frankly, we don’t want to. We’re here for all of it, for the love and the hate and…

‘The Bold Type’ 3×01 Review: ‘The New Normal’

It’s felt like forever since we last saw our favorite ladies of The Bold Type kicking ass and taking names like the boss girls they are. And after a season finale where there some pretty monumental decisions, there’s a new…

Actresses We Swooned Over In 2018

I can not for the life of me understand why I didn’t make this easy on myself and narrow this down to like 10-15 actresses. But there are so many that we’re swooning over this year and had I more…

‘Supergirl’ 4×03 Review: Making of a Villain

To say that Supergirl’s newest episode was difficult to watch would be selling it short. But that’s what happens when art imitates life so terrifyingly accurately that you feel it in your bones. You begin to wonder what’s the next…

Police Brutality, Black Lives Matter and Why 'The Hate U Give' is Important

Growing up as a person of color in the 21st century means living with a disclaimer. You can vote, but many of the politicians hate the very thought of you, you can legally attend any school you want to, but…

‘Riverdale’ Star Charles Melton Apologizes For Fat Shaming Tweets

It’s a hard thing when you see celebrities that you like fall down from the pedestal that you put them on. It’s hard to see them make mistakes, and it’s even harder when the mistakes that they make offend you…

The Good and the Bad of 2×09 of ‘Famous in Love’

The penultimate episode of the second season of Famous in Love gave me what I’ve been asking for since the second season started. I wanted more character-driven stories and less overt Hollywood drama. This week delivered. Let’s get into all…

‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ 2×05 Review: Bloodbath

Hope – a tiny, whispered seedling of hope – emerges from The Handmaid’s Tale 2×05 “Seeds,” in its final breaths. The episode is another stunning depiction of the impacts of oppression under a repressive theocratic regime. “Seeds,” like “Other Women,”…

#SAVEB99: Why ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Deserves To Be Picked Up

Brooklyn Nine-Nine has been cancelled, and everything is most definitely not okay. To quote Community’s always on-point Abed, we are living in the darkest timeline. I know what you’re going to say. So many shows deserve to be renewed and…

‘Arrow’ 6×22 Review: All You Need Is OTA

I’m a woman torn. I’m a woman torn between a show that, most of the time, infuriates her to no degree but can, occasionally, manage to do something right and remind her of the show she fell in love with…

‘The Flash’ 4×21 Review: “Harry and the Harrisons”

“Harry and the Harrisons,” this week’s episode of The Flash, did very little to move the main plot with DeVoe forward. However, as I think the last part of this season has been trying to course correct certain characters in anticipation…

‘Timeless’ 2×07 Review: I Still Care About You

I can’t start this review any other way than saying that, as a woman, this was an especially poignant hour. Sometimes you’re confronted with history you already know in a way that makes you think about what that history means,…

‘The 100’s’ Richard Harmon Likes The Bad Guys

Only a few days are left before The 100 returns to the CW.  As we count down to the Season 5 premiere, we’re rolling out interviews with members of the cast and production team from Wondercon 2018. Richard Harmon sat…

‘Timeless’ 2×02 Roundtable: “The Darlington 500”

Oh, yes, we’re back! Timeless is that show, the one that gives us so many feels each week, that we just have to get them out in round-table form. So buckle up, because, once again, we have a lot of…

‘Timeless’ 2×01 Roundtable: “The War to End All Wars”

At this point, you’re probably wondering, is there anything else to discuss about Timeless episode 2×01 that we haven’t discussed yet? The answer is, of course, that when you love a show as much as we love this one, there…

‘The Flash’ 4×10 Review: ‘The Trial of the Flash’

When it comes to my relationship with The Flash — the TV show, not the superhero, duh — it’s something that’s been a rocky road. In the first season, things were smooth sailing. A budding young hero with good intentions.…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×10 Review: ‘The Informant’

Ressler was front and center in almost every single scene of “The Informant” making it one of my favorite episodes of the season so far. Things finally came to a head with Henry Prescott, as Ressler had to decide whether…

‘The Flash’: The Ugly and Racist Treatment of Iris West

Like all West-Allen shippers, my heart is exceedingly full thinking about The Flash wedding. All that our favorite television couple has been through has set the stage for this magical moment.  Through unimaginable tragedy, Barry Allen and Iris West have managed…

Once Upon A Time’s Problem with Consent

Consent: the voluntary agreement of the complainant to engage in the sexual activity in question. Conduct short of a voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity does not constitute consent as a matter of law. This has been on my mind for a long…