‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 48: Mental Health and Media

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 47: LGBTQIA Erasure

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

‘Supergirl’ 3×12 Review: For Good

When Alyssa asked me to write this Supergirl review I immediately said yes, because friendship, and then I said ugh because I will admit Supergirl and I have been having issues and I haven’t been exactly keeping up with it.…

Black Lightning: The Cool Badass Dad of DCTV

Countless articles have been written about how Black Lightning has changed the game for DCTV. Starring largely (if not solely) an African-American cast, grounded in the real-world challenges that people of color face today, and with a LGBTQ+ relationship front…

Fuck You, Victim Blaming & the Feminists Who Push It

Nothing lights a fire under my ass to rage blog/write like a self proclaimed feminist telling women that they should be more careful and aware of their surrounding to avoid sexual assault. I’m talking about Pamela Anderson. During a BBC…

'Arrow' 6×11 Review: ‘We Fall’

We all watch television for different reasons. Some of us want to be entertained; some of us want a good laugh; and some of us want to feel, whether that’s happiness or sadness or a mixture of both. I’ve always…

‘Black Lightning’ 1×02 Review: “Lawanda The Book of Hope”

Well, damn! That’s the first thing that comes to mind when I rethink episode two of Black Lightning. Lawanda: The Book of Hope hit on all cylinders and was a perfect indication of the potential this series has in my…

‘The X-Files’ 11×04 Review: To Find Each Other

Well, that was weird, and out there and still so much better than Chris Carter’s platonic musings or medical rape, because at this point, anything and everything is better than the BS Carter is still trying to feed us twenty…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 46: Star Wars The Last Jedi Review

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

'Supergirl' 3×11 Review: ‘Fort Rozz’

Supergirl has proven that it’s at its best when it’s churning out storylines wrought in emotional context. Where it makes the audience feel rather than merely watch. It was something that was prevalent in the opening episodes of this third…

‘The Crown’ Casts Paul Bettany For Season 3 and 4

You know that we love The Crown and can’t get enough of anything and everything having to do with the royal family. We’ve known that Claire Foy will be replaced by Broadchurch‘s Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth and now we…

‘The Flash’ 4×10 Review: ‘The Trial of the Flash’

When it comes to my relationship with The Flash — the TV show, not the superhero, duh — it’s something that’s been a rocky road. In the first season, things were smooth sailing. A budding young hero with good intentions.…

'Supergirl' 3×10 Review: 'Legion of Superheroes'

It’s been six weeks; 42 days; 1,008 hours since Supergirl’s midseason finale, which found Reign victorious and Kara comatose. The only thing worse than a winter hiatus is a summer hiatus, which is five times longer and five times more…

‘Love, Simon’ Full Length Trailer Drops and We’re In Love

The best thing to happen this Tuesday is that the first full length trailer for Love, Simon has dropped. It’s everything that we needed and more. But there is more – the soundtrack list has dropped and also there is…

Stop Making Excuses, It’s Still LGBT Erasure

Why is it that Hollywood doesn’t understand that it isn’t enough to include LGBT stories in the background? It’s like they don’t understand that we’re not an afterthought. We’re not just there to float around the straight male lead and…

‘Blindspot’ 3×09 Review: “Hot Burning Flames”

Blindspot is back! After the midseason finale, our favorite show returns with an episode that maintains the level of the previous ones. “Hot Burning Flames” has broken us into a thousand pieces with Jeller, but it has also given us…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×10 Review: ‘The Informant’

Ressler was front and center in almost every single scene of “The Informant” making it one of my favorite episodes of the season so far. Things finally came to a head with Henry Prescott, as Ressler had to decide whether…

Marvel’s ‘Runaways’ 1×10 Review: Hostile

If you’re like me, Marvel’s Runaway’s season one finale entitled “Hostile” left you speechless. (Good thing this is a written review.) This episode was so much more than I was ready for. I feel like I just watched a whole…

‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Roundtable: The Good, The Bad and the Ships

It’s been almost a month since Star Wars: The Last Jedi premiered. We’d had time to process. We’d had time to re-watch. We’ve (presumably, at least), come to terms with our feelings.  And we’re ready to articulate them for you.…

See An Exclusive Clip from ‘November Criminals’ Featurette

We’re obsessed with watching Ansel Elgort’s Instagram stories for a reason – the man seems to always be so real. He always wants to maintain a connection with his fans and wants to invite them into his life. After all,…

David Duchovny Talks ‘The X-Files’ Season 11 and a World that’s Receptive to Mulder

Fox Mulder was always an outsider. That was not just part of his charm, that was one of the things that made the show feel so distinctly sci-fi twenty something years ago, when our faith in the government and its…